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Pace PLC 5268AC DMZplus issues with Netduma

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Hi guys:  I have an att u-verse gateway (Pace PLC 5268AC) and I am placing the gateway in DMZplus mode but as soon as I do that I can no longer connect to BO3 servers.  I have given the PS4 a static IP on the netduma, unchecked the UPnP feature, and created my own port forwarding rules.  All of the ports are listed below.  Am I messing something up or forgetting to do something?  Thank you for your time and help.


tcp:  80, 443, 1935, 3480


tcp/udp:  3478-3479, 3074, 3076-3085

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Did you do this?


There is no true bridge mode on the 2Wire routers.  However, you can still configure it such that almost all functions of your own router will work properly.


1. Set your router's WAN interface to get an IP address via DHCP.  This is required at first so that the 2Wire recognizes your router.

2. Plug your router's WAN interface to one of the 2Wire's LAN interfaces.

3. Restart your router, let it get an IP address via DHCP.

4. Log into the 2Wire router's interface.  Go to Settings -> Firewall -> Applications, Pinholes, and DMZ

5. Select your router under section (1).

6. Click the DMZPlus button under section (2).

7. Click the Save button.

8. Restart your router, when it gets an address via DHCP again, it will be the public outside IP address.  At this point, you can leave your router in DHCP mode (make sure the firewall on your router allows the DHCP renewal packets, which will occur every 10 minutes), or you can change your router's IP address assignment on the WAN interface to static, and use the same settings it received via DHCP.

9. On the 2Wire router, go to Settings -> Firewall -> Advanced Configuration

10. Uncheck the following: Stealth Mode, Block Ping, Strict UDP Session Control.

11. Check everything under Outbound Protocol Control except NetBIOS.

12. Uncheck NetBIOS under Inbound Protocol Control.

13. Uncheck all the Attack Detection checkboxes (7 of them).

14. Click Save.


Your router should now be able to route as if the 2Wire was a straight bridge, for the most part.


I use the UPNP feature of the Duma instead of Port Forwarding, but I think these are all the ports for BO3 on the PS4, from a post by the Rev himself, Bagsta:


and start 3478 End 3480

UDP ports are


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Help Fraser, alex49h: The 5268AC just seems to stop working after a few minutes. I followed alex49's guide and I thank him for his time. I think it's the step 8. Can someone explain that part as where to go and what to type in. I'm missing my Netduma for my addiction to COD and Destiny. The Pace 5268Ac is the primary unit install for AT&T Gigapower internet in my area, the tech said 100 a day. So it's possible you may have to help others in the near future to get this issue straightened out. Thanks again for your help in this matter.

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On LAN in the R1 just change the DHCP lease time to 10mins that should be it.


I tried changing the lease time on the R1 to 10 mins but it was rejected saying "Invalid Lease Time". Honestly, I skipped step 8 and completed 9-14 and only rebooted both the Pace and the Duma after completing this set up.

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I tried changing the lease time on the R1 to 10 mins but it was rejected saying "Invalid Lease Time". Honestly, I skipped step 8 and completed 9-14 and only rebooted both the Pace and the Duma after completing this set up.


Thanks for the heads up, may be a bug!

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