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 Bad to say the least, I always hover around a a 1.8-2.0kd, I cant rush and slay in this game I just dont have connection and i have tried literally everything. I live on the east coast and for now throttle my connection 3.5 down 1.5up and I set my geofilter so its in california and washington. Ping is crazy high but i'm getting the benefit of the lag comp i believe or atleast it feels like it.

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In terms of game ping thats great so you certainly shouldn't be lagging like that. Is this happening in every game you're in? If not temp ban the server or move location to exclude it and try to get a different server. 


I assume you have congestion control completely setup?

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yes I do..I cant temp ban server because it wont allow me to join any other except the new jersey server

Where do you normally play?  I am in Tulsa and normally play 17-26ms matches on Dallas servers.  Now I am connecting mainly to a server that appears to be in New York/New Jersey but is still 24ms so I believe it is a mislocated ID.

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