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Stuff to check you might be overlooking


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I may nerd out a little but if you do this you will find some things that add greatness to your connection in my opinion.

First is wired connection.If wireless try to go wired if possible shave off a few milli seconds ping.2nd check you line and do a line test for jitter and packet loss.If this is high in either area find out why.3rd modem readings.Log into your modem and check its readings if not in spec try to find out why.Most of these issues can be caused by poor wiring or having the modem be fed way down the line in a splitter.You want the modem to be closest to the outside feed as possible as splitting degrades the signal.These things added with the Duma make gameplay amazing.Just my 2 cents.

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  • 3 weeks later...

great tips there even though simple could be overlooked. there is another problem i have just solved. I had problem on my Xbox One with it freezing every couple of minutes, not completely frozen just little micro freezes similar to hitching. what I did is plugged my xbox into the wall opposed to into a surge protector.

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If wireless try to go wired if possible shave off a few milli seconds ping.


Not only to shave off a couple of ms, wireless can be very unstable/unreliable over the duration of a game.


Good info though.


And it's always worth clearing your cache once in a while, as Boldshoter said in his thread.

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yes, it definitely cleared the cache when I unplugged and hit the power button a few times, but a quick Google search about not plugging my xbox into a power surge strip proved I was starving my Xbox One for power. on the xbox website they tell you to plug it into the wall.

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