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moderate nat

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after numerous issues I finally had a setting that was running smooth for nearly 2 months. now I cant get off moderate nat. yes I've read and followed that post fraser. hard reset the ps, super hub and duma with and without upnp enabled. i won't go into dmz again as is messed with all my other devices. 


any ideas? since i found my best setup I haven't altered anything

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So what is your setup currently? Super hub in modem mode? UPnP on duma? 


If it's not in modem mode the R1 should really be in it's DMZ. Though this should not mess with your devices as they should all be connected to the R1 in order for congestion control to work correctly. If you don't want to do either of those you can port forward 1024-65555 to the duma on the hub. 

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sorry it was when I put the hub in modem mode it went weird. I put the ps4 in dmz and it went open but very laggy, just put the r1 as dmz and it's still open. upnp is enabled in misc and Upnp. still doesn't feel like it did over those 2 months, it was perfect. tbh. did a bit of tinkering but ended up resetting both. feel free to have a look? i might try putting it in modem mode again actually. i'll let u know how that goes

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well I had a merciless the next game, obviously there are many factors that could cause that but the connection felt in my favour again (playing on the settings you guys recommend, no trying to force lag bs). I'm pretty sure now i'm in modem mode all should be good. fingers crossed. thanks for your time

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