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Public Game Connection vs Private Online Hosting


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I am someone who plays CoD 95% of the time in private matches by playing Gamebattles matches or Wagers on UMG, but something I've always noticed is that my connection feels so different from when I'm hosting a private match to playing on a low ping public match. Now as far as I know it shouldn't be this way because I am the host of the private match. But it does, when I'm playing a public match (which inst my host by the way) I feel such a smoother connection and the game feels so different.


I would love to hear from some top networking guys on an explanation because I just don't get it, the game should feel great for me if I have no delay because I'm host but its not. I actually feel like I'm on a delay when I'm hosting like I'm playing off something else instead. 

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You are connected to everyone else in the game so if their connection isn't the best you will likely feel it a lot worse than another player. When playing pubs you're connected to the dedicated server so it doesn't fluctuate as much. 

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I fully understand lag comp, but what I don't get is why my host feels awful compared to host. 


Hey Wake,

I was giving you the answer, Lag Compensation is a two-way path...you being host actually means you will suffer the worse end of lag comp.


This is explained in the above linked post.

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