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I have someone in my household that plays SMITE on her PC and I would like to allow her to use the GEO filter if possible.


Right now I don't see a way to add her PC to a SERVICE so that she can use the geo filter.

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In Geo Filter Select Service choose her PC then choose Xbox Live as Service

I will try it out and see if she has any issues, has anyone tried this before and are their any drawbacks as she is using a pc to play different games.

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Xbox Live is the standard service currently for any PC games. There shouldn't be any drawbacks other than the fact that some may not work. Due to being able to find your own servers or region based matchmaking.

Ok thanks, it would be nice for it to just say "general gaming" as an extra option, my OCD sorry.


Also it would be nice if each service had its own setting for the geo filter and P.A.


I like to keep my geo around 200 miles and others on my networks might want a larger radius.

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