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Set up check please

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Hello all,


As a new customer I’m  looking for some support to ensure my duma is set up correctly. The gang in our house mainly play Destiny, it been connected for over a week now and seems to be working but reading all the info on the forum I feel that I’ve surely missed out something. Since the day one setup I have changed nothing but recently started having some questionable in game connections at our end.


ISP - sky hub SR102 – Netduma – PS4 wired – other devices through duma. (no configuration made between sky hub & duma just plug n play ?)     

Bandwidth set 40 up 10 down premptive tested 38 up 9.8 down

Services PS4 , PSN

Profile Destiny

CC set to 70 up/down when gaming. No device prioritization.  

Hyper traffic set PS4 , PSN


This is all I did on day one. Some reassurance this is all I need to do or improvement advice would be greatly appreciated.



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If you are gaming yes recommended is 70/70 this is for congestion on network. You can play with this for different results. Games very, households vary. I have 100/20. I keep 100/100 cc. I play bo3 tho. Other than that seems fine. Everyone's set up varys


when doing a dslreports speed test what is your bufferbloat?

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