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trying to get open nat type on two ps4s

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hi there,


im trying to achieve open nat type on two ps4s. i think i have followed frasers solution in another topic "Hey, I would set a static IP for each device in DHCP lease and port forward according to https://support.acti...l-of-Duty-Games" it hasnt seemed to have worked. i have ticked the reserved check boxes in dhcp lease and entered the last digits of the two ip addresses in the host number boxes, portforwaded one ip to 3074 and the other to 3075. is this right?

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Was it in modem mode before? If so thats fine and the better setup actually so would change back to that. 


Does it show as a MAC address instead? The one you want begins with an e.


Is UPnP itself disabled as well?


Do the consoles both have Type 2 in their network settings?

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Hi yes it was in modem mode before, i had to put back to hub mode to access the dmz settings as you cant do this with it in modem mode. on the menu all it has in the dmz section is the ip address 192.168.0. with a box to type the number in. there seems to be nowhere to put mac address and yes i did have upnp disabled. had type 2 on both.. i have since disabled port forwarding and gone back to upnp still type 2 on both which is open but still says moderate for one of the ps4s i suppose it could be black ops itself being shite as usual.

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Modem mode is fine then you won't need to do the DMZ. You should be able to just put the WAN IP from the duma device manager in the DMZ section. 


Set static IPs for both console and apply the 3075 port to the second console.

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i cant add the wan ip in the dmz section as the only number you can change is the last one and need to change the second to last one too. i have statics set up on both consoles and had one of them ported to 3075. it doenst matter ill just live with it for now im sure its the game anyways

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As stated on bo3 site and many others bo3 recognizes one port n one port only. This is the only cod like this and not same as others. Google this. All they can do is tell you networking which varies for each game. This next port only works on gta5 because Rockstar implemented it in last dlc. Other than that 1 ip per port. On udp gaming. Sorry man. You think since games going away from split screen and more people are using more than one system in a house. They'd fix this for last damn 20 years now

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i cant add the wan ip in the dmz section as the only number you can change is the last one and need to change the second to last one too. i have statics set up on both consoles and had one of them ported to 3075. it doenst matter ill just live with it for now im sure its the game anyways


You shouldn't need to do that, are you trying to add the WAN IP from device manager or the IP to access the duma? 

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If it's worth anything I also have 2 PS4's on the same network and since the BO3 beta until about 3 months ago I literally obsessed over trying to get an open NAT for both consoles in game. I did a TON of research on this issue and have tried every single possible set of steps I could find online and this forum. Eventually I just let it be and have been playing with one console on Open and the other on Moderate. I originally thought it would make a difference in quality connections and getting less lag if both consoles were showing as Open in game but since letting it go and also being a lot more knowledgeable with the networking side of the game now, I realized that it literally hasn't been a big deal to play like this. I say that because after playing just about every day regardless if one or two consoles are running/playing BO3, the connections and speed at which I find lobbies to play are identical. That being said I genuinely believe that both consoles are actually getting an Open NAT type in the background but for whatever reason only one console on the network can show as Open in the UI of BO3. This is the only version of COD that has been like this for me since running two consoles on my network (starting with Ghosts) which makes me believe even more that the issue actually resides on the Activision or Treyarch side and not locally with the consoles or home network.

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