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Geo filter turning red then green?

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I thought that too but Mines in first ps4. Always been red. Jus now it randomly turn green. No other systems. My friends done same thing. Ps4 as well but theirs never turned red. Was always green. Mine always red. Jus now turned green.

Maybe it's nothing. But Ya I thought same think you posted. Also seen on wiki posts there's is green. But I can't see what slot their system is in. But it's never red in radius.

I'm noticing no difference in game play but I find it odd this jus happened. Yet no posts anywhere online.

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My first and only device in the geo filter is my Xbox and the icon is red but the geo filter radius is green (bluey green).

I've never noticed it changing colour or being anything other than green.


Have you changed the 'theme' in miscellaneous settings? (or has it changed from 'default'?)


edit - it's the theme, just tested it. Default theme has a green radius, v2 theme has a red radius.

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