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Every game I go into has lag.

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I've just moved house and returned to my Xbox One for the first time in two months. I've set up my Netduma correctly again, I have the same Internet provider but with better download speeds etc


Yet every game of FIFA I go into has lag spikes? Is it me or the server?


What can I do?


I've ran several connection tests on my Xbox and my ping seems fine?

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*ASSUMING you have everything set up as before and you are confident there is NOTHING wrong on your end.


First order of business would be to test the quality of your internet via Ping Plotter.  

Run two sets of tests: 

  • one during peak hours (dinnertime)
  • one in the middle of the night when all your neighbors are sleeping.  

The difference (Delta) between the two will help us diagnose if you have a problem locally, one you can fix, or if you have a problem on the line itself.

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*ASSUMING you have everything set up as before and you are confident there is NOTHING wrong on your end.


First order of business would be to test the quality of your internet via Ping Plotter.  

Run two sets of tests: 

  • one during peak hours (dinnertime)
  • one in the middle of the night when all your neighbors are sleeping.  

The difference (Delta) between the two will help us diagnose if you have a problem locally, one you can fix, or if you have a problem on the line itself.


Can you link me where I can do the test. I'm using a Mac rather than a PC

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Depends on where you are located in the world.  BBC.uk and Twitter.com have been pretty reliable, but pings to Google have been sporadic, so I would advise against that one.

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I use twitter.com and bbc.com and get steady results that show the odd spike at exactly the same interval on both servers.



Remember to run it for a few hours as well not just 30 seconds. My images above were a 48 hour picture.

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