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Vzw fios quantum router problems

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everyone i have fios internet dont have have a modem i have quantum router i pay for 150 over 150 i get very ckose to them speeds when i do speed test when connected to fios via ethernet cable bc it has dual band 5ghz and net duma only uses 2.4ghz so my speeds are not close to 150/150. So on the r1 what am i supposed to enter in bandwidth settings what i pay for or what im getting. Aslo have tv n phone with fios would it be ok to use ethernet cable from my wall straight to duma and just keep quantum router connected via coax for tv/phone

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Put in the speeds you get through a wired speed test to your router so 150/150. 


It's quite possible the ethernet from the wall will need to be connected to the quantum router which is fine, just connect the R1 to the quantum and connect ALL devices to the R1 so you make the most of all its features.

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I do speed test through the duma right? If i do speed test thhrought fios i get alot better speeds bc its dual band my speeds on duma are around 40/30 thats not even close to what im paying for. Not sure if its the laptop im using thats giving me slow speeds

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