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West coast SF Black Ops servers missing?

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Yes I'm 209 area code, I'm up in the sierra foothills on HWY4, Since I have found LA to play pretty good, I just set my home location to the LA area, and snap to the LA dedi, and set PA to zero. Although this week, I put my home in the middle of the pacific, and 40ish PA, and end up connecting to LA anyway. And yes 70/70 share excess ticked works just fine. I am going to try and connect to SF, next time I get on if I remember.

Ok cool.  I guess I'll do the same thing you do and just put my home area to the LA area.  How many miles do you put your radius at?  Thanks man!

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Ok cool.  I guess I'll do the same thing you do and just put my home area to the LA area.  How many miles do you put your radius at?  Thanks man!

I just put my home to where it looks like the LA area and hit the snap button once, IIRC. I play FFA mostly, and I'm usually in the top 3 and rarely go negative while playing LA, which is 1million times better than without the duma. If I leave my geo filter off, I almost always connect to the east coast, which explains I was literally done with COD.

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If it is in that range then it is definitely marked as a dedicated server. In which case I assume they are just not using that server as often, sorry I can't be more helpful but it should be in the duma dedi list.


@frasier is there anyway i can get the few ms jitter off my line ,any tips sinch my ip keeps saying there no poss way too?


If it's on your line then that's down to your ISP. However, if you use congestion control & hyper traffic that will get rid of any locally.

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I can confirm that there is no SF server for XBone, at least not one that I cannot connect to, looks like we are stuck with L.A. for now. I tried for about 20 minutes last night, and could not connect. Blops 3 was playing horrible last night, frame hopping, and maps not fully loading, It didn't feel like lag as hit detection was pretty spot on, and I was winning most of the FFA matches I played. Seems like this game is getting worse by the week. 

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