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what am I missing?

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So last night I had the games of my life.  Easy shot registers, less hits to kill, no delay what so ever. 

I had PA set to 24ms, geo-filter set to smallest and placed in the ocean.  With Strict mode checked.

I was basically camping a dallas based server/host that was spot on for me.  


Today however, same settings yet I keep getting placed in Florida and I hit temp ban and it chose another host in florida for the same lobby.

Both time the E was present next to the version number so I know they were dedis.  The problem is my ping plotter ping is 20-22ms in Dallas and worse everywhere else.  My in-game ping to Dallas is 17-33ms, Florida is 63-87ms.  Is dallas down?


Please tell me I'm overlooking some setting.  This sucks bawlz.




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got it working now. had to reboot,,, again.


If you want to camp the Dallas servers do this...


Put ping assist to 0

Strict mode on

Put your geofilter over the server

Enable the filter

Start up the game


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If you want to camp the Dallas servers do this...


Put ping assist to 0

Strict mode on

Put your geofilter over the server

Enable the filter

Start up the game


Generally I do this and it placed me in Florida today twice in a row.  So I tried by placing it int he ocean and setting PA to 28-32 and it still placed me in Florida.  It was strange, never had an issue before connecting to Dallas.  I rebooted and it went back to normal. Thanks though. 

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