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Strict Nat - Xbox One - Help

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Okay so I have tried and tried and still strict. I have followed all manuals and guides and still nothing. Any directions would be amazing.


Id be happy to call and talk to someone if that is easier as I know you can only base advice on what you see here and I know there are other settings Im not mentioning. Let me know.




Set up:

Huawei E5172 router

UPnP - disabled

DMZ - set to Netduma


Xbox One:

Automatic IP


NetDuma - UPnP enabled

Host Filtering - Disabled


This is what shows that is associated with the Xbox.


Desc External Port Internal Port IP Address Protocol Teredo 3074 3074 UDP

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Hey bud you could always try and hook the duma directly to the modem to narrow down where the issue is, I personnallly never had to do that video on my xboner just upnp but I have two Xboxes and have only been able to get one to be open at a time( I can only play one at a time so don't care) but I have to do the tick , restart and untick restart thingy when I change xbones to be open nat

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I have had to do that before as well secret.  Even with the moderate NAT I was able to party up and play though.  I don't run a mic when I play solo, so it never bothered me.

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Well I just tried the xbox directly from the router (took away Netduma) and reset and its still giving me a Strict so I will just figure it out from the router first then try again with the netduma once I get it open on the router. Thanks tho

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settings misc. tick upnp I just leave this as is.

on settings UPNP page I un tick enable then go to settings , misc settings and click reboot router

then back to settings upnp after reboot and tick enable. 

Like Dillinger said that only causes moderate nat problems and I don't bother unless playing with friends.

I'm not even sure it needs to be done this way but it works for me. 

Let us know how u make out

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Well I just tried the xbox directly from the router (took away Netduma) and reset and its still giving me a Strict so I will just figure it out from the router first then try again with the netduma once I get it open on the router. Thanks tho


Good to hear you've found the router cause. If you're able to put it in modem mode you should definitely be able to get an open NAT.

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