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Mentioning Netduma on social media when tweeting devs.


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*Disclaimer this is a personal request and not from "Netduma"



I love the positive feedback we get from people ( yes even the negative stuff as it helps us improve), and everyday we see people use out of the box thinking on our features to use them in ways none of us imagined which is awesome.

Recently I've noticed people have been using screenshots of the geo filter when tweeting devs which again is fine, although we never envisioned the Geo Filter being used as a forensic tool so props for that one peeps ;).  I would just ask when tweeting devs ( especially devs of a particular game ;) ) But could you please try to be respectful when tweeting them. These guys work their butts off making games sometimes investing years of their lives into the process, and I actually know a lot of them personally and they are honestly good peoples.

Yes we all find issues with games and design decisions we don't agree with or fully understand but that is no reason to be insulting towards them. You'll also find  if there is constructive criticism presented politely you'll more likely to get a response.


When you tweet a dev and include us in the tweet , just be aware that we are trying to build good working relations with these companies and in doing so will make our products now and in the future even better...



Sorry to be "that guy" 




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Couldn't agree more. Constructive criticism is constructive, slating someone is ignorance, which in turn gets you ignored.

But I think what annoys (adult) gamers is the feeling of nobody listening!. I am a small businessman and know from experience that not only do you have to build a rapport with your customers, but also with your suppliers. You Duma guys are proof that if you build the feeling of "we are here to listen and here to help" everyone wins.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I echo the thoughts of others above. Great OP Adam

We are gamers.

Unfortunately some bite the hand that feeds them, I cringe when I see derogatory comments made towards devs and community managers alike.  As much as I disagree sometimes with what I experience, I think its more important to pay respect. We play games. Game devs and CM's have their jobs on the line............... I reckon they want to produce the best that they can ;) 

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Anyone who's ever tried their hand at coding knows how REALLY hard it is, I agree there is no need to flip out at devs they're doing the best. 


In reality most of the WTF decisions are made higher up the chain, publishers and the like.  The devs ususally just want to make the best product possible.

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