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Profile issues


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In profiles I tried making profiles suitable to my needs when it comes to gaming but when im setting up what I want to load up when I select profile I click device prioritisation & save but when I load said profile it doesn't load my upload and download settings its left what it originally was left at b4 I click load profile. What do I do to load my down & up settings?

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Another thing I forgot to state in these settings I have a profile where share excess is ticked & unticked but I have to manually adjust that specific setting just to get results of the profiles im tryna load

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What down & up settings are you referring to? Bandwidth? Anti-flood? Device prio? As you'll need those ticked that you want saved.


It saves the settings as they are at the time of saving the profile. So if you save the profile and then immediately load it then it will stay the same because nothing has changed in that time. 


In regards to share excess, have you been unticking it, changing prio and then applying? Share excess needs to be saved using the update button as well. If not then that will be the issue. 


If you have the make a profile saving everything but host filtering services. Then check if that profile works.

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Yeah im mainly talking about device prio here but for some reason when I had everything checked it stayed this time but when I check anti flood & device prio or even bandwidth settings included it doesn't save device prio does device prio need something checked with it just for it to remain checked on load profile settings?

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