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Ok I'm not connected to netduma and they can feel free to delete this:


But why would you think it's ok to return item for a refund? It works, but you feel it doesn't help for AW. The product is not limited to AW nor is the geo-filter the sole feature.


The Netduma team are fantastic and if they want to offer refunds then good for them but I've seen a few of these threads recently and just interested in the viewpoint (nothing against you Harissa, yours is just the one i posted in).

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I think everyone thinks the Duma will make them a beast at AW, the difference for me is night and day if you know what to look for. For example when i back out of a not so good game my PS4  GUI lags and almost stops but when i am in a great 10ms game no lag whats so ever. This is not due to ping but the CC giving me a stable smooth connection, this is just as important as Ping the guy posted he has line jitter then as Iain said this can be a problem on your line. I would contact your ISP and get them to run a line test, if they find a fault they will or should get it sorted and then im sure you will see a big difference in your connection. As you are getting packet loss your having to have the data re-sent thus causing you instability and lag.

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Point is I never get 10 ms games. I've had better games not using the r1 when letting one of my friends host from over 1000km away. I assume that points to some issue with my line, and the ISP will tell me it's optimized as much as possible.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Sorry had to look back at this thread to remember the original issue.  I will start moderating thread hijacking so this doesn't happen again lol.


Its not even an ISP issue, its a location issue. You can't expect 10ms games unless there are hosts next to you. Being in Florida, there are hurricanes and other factors so servers are never put there. So you will never get 10ms, but with the R1 you can get it as low as possible as shown by last mile and ping graphs in prior posts.


But having said all of that a 30ms host is very good. You only render about 2 frames(when doing 60fps) in that time, that shows how low it is. 

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No worries, I didn't know who was replying to who lol. I understand distance and how it relates to lag/ping issues. There is actually a server in Orlando but I don't get connected to it for some reason. Also, as I mentioned before the dedicated servers seem to be the issue, as I have seen a lot of threads/convos that say they are seeing the same thing. It is just aggravating to have the R1 and still have the issue with the servers. How much would it raise or affect my ping if I was to put my home location away from all servers, like in the middle of the states? Cuz I tried putting my location right on top of the one closest to me and it was the exact same game play wise.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

I can only assist you on ping I'm afraid. Gameplay is completely subjective. Don't take my word for it read the first paragraph of wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping_%28video_gaming%29


"Having a low ping is always desirable because lower latency provides smoother gameplay by allowing faster updates of game data."


You can try avoiding the dedi if you don't like it by moving your home. But in terms of ping it seems like its optimum, well the 30ms ones anyway.

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It's sad that people jumping on board with the R1 now didn't experience what the original folks experienced.  Back then, game play was so much better, but now, game play has been trash, not because of the R1, it's because the developers of AW is basically forcing us to play thru their dedi servers, even if it's causing more issues at the moment.  Like Iain said before, we ALL cried for dedicated servers, so the developers got them for us, and now we are crying that we don't want them.  LOL!  Only people with R1's know the dedicated servers are out there, (because we see it first hand where we are being placed) but I guarantee this,  people that don't have an R1 think that dedicated servers are not around.  

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It's sad that people jumping on board with the R1 now didn't experience what the original folks experienced. Back than, game play was so much better, but now, game play has been trash, not because of the R1, it's because the developers of AW is basically forcing us to play thru their dedi servers, even if it's causing more issues at the moment. Like Iain said before, we ALL cried for dedicated servers, so the developers got them for us, and now we are crying that we don't want them. LOL! Only people with R1's know the dedicated servers are out there, (because we see it first hand where we are being placed) but I guarantee this, people that don't have an R1 think that dedicated servers are not around.

100% spot on mate,the week before Christmas when I got my duma I honestly couldnt believe just how good it actually was,just AW that's broken,so wish I still had my 360 to some blops2

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Yeah unfortunately the game is ass and has been for at least 2 plus months.Also agree i had a much better experience when i first got the duma (xmas ish) the games were fantastic.


And i know this has nothing to do with the duma not performing as advertised,as it does exactly what it was made to do.Just the fact that AW gets worse with every update,just like every other COD game.Some may call this a pattern lol as it's a predictable as the sun coming up everyday.

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