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Recently bought a netduma and i still lag

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I'll reply.  I know what you're going through.  It depends on what game you're playing.  I suspect very strongly that if you're playing Black Ops 3 the rules that apply to the rest of the universe in terms of ping/latency/data packet processing, etc., etc, does not apply.  Having said this, if it's Blops3 you're trying to use the NETDUMA for the general information you'll come across won't help you.  Most will roll their eyes at me but I've spent a lot of times playing Blops3 so I consider myself an expert (I've played it a retarded amount of time, believe me). 


Something for you to try:  go to http://www.dslreports.com/speedtestand take a look at how much bufferbloat you get at idle and at load.  Throttle your upload and download until you get A's for bufferbloat and quality if you're not getting A's when not throttling.  Generally speaking, try putting your download and upload at 20% and try playing your games, then... it could smooth sh*t out for you.


The geo-filter does seem very helpful when it works (it only kicks in about 50% of the time, I have no idea how it get it working, just works when it feels like it) -- but for me... I'm in S. Ontario and all the laggers hang out along the east coast (New York City, New Jersey, Delaware) so put your HOME location away from that area... if geo-filter is working I set my HOME location a little west of my actual location, like over Illinoise/Iowa/Michigan kinda thing... when I do this I notice less skilled players and I set the radius to something like 450 miles... the ping doesn't seem to matter so much.... put it at like 50ms or so... but the laggers who are connection to U.S. servers from Europe (ie. France/Spain) and from Latin America (ie. Brazil) will likely hit up the east coast servers + there are so many experienced, high-prestiged players along the east coast... try to stay in an area where you don't see as many players who will lag you. 


Addionally (and this might not actually be a thing), if you get yourself in a good lobby you can turn down the ping and decrease the radius slightly and that seems to have the affect of locking people in... or at least making it harder for laggers to join (it tightens up the filter a bit).


Throttling might be a "placebo effect" in most cases but I do not believe it is when it comes to Black Ops 3 because of the very stupid lag-compensation system.  You don't want a lot of bandwidth (ie. download) or else you'll be jittered to death with spikes... and you don't want much upload... throttle your upload to something stupid like 700kbps.  Try that for a bit and see what that does for your smoothness.


I may be retarded but when the geo-filter works and I throttle my upload hard I don't notice lag... I don't spike or see jitters and my hit-detection is on point and I seem to be a bullet sponge.  Geo-filter is key (when used as I suggested) and reducing your upload a lot and download a bit, really seems to improve performance in Blops3. 

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Just for your information, Lag compensation works off ping and has nothing to do with Bandwidth.

Seriously you want to give yourself a nice low ping if you can with as little jitter as possible.

Black ops 3 has been a strange release, especially for the last few weeks, but if you use the basic settings recommended in the wiki you cant go far wrong. CC 70-70 geo filter at about 1000km around your home ping assist on and set at about 30ms

If you would like any more in depth help please post the details requested in my original reply and people will try to help.

It may be worth downloading pingplotter and running it for several hours and posting those results so that we can rule out your ISP


Oh I need to add that when you make any changes you will need to wait 2 minutes for the anti cheat feature to kick in so that your changes actually change.

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Wait two minutes?  Hmmm, I didn't notice a hesitation.  Lag-compensation works off of ping?  Yeah, I guess that makes sense... Like if a player has a really, really crappy ping because he's 5000 miles away from the server... like say you're in Michigan and he's in France or Spain or something (which happens a lot), the server makes him a bullet sponge by prioritizing his data and delays everyone else so damage to him is delayed in a sense.  The only problem I think I have in the game is being delayed relative to other players.  I think the geo-filter is really helping with that because there seems to be ways to stay away from these far-away players and keep things pretty local (ie. fair).  I see happening in the game what the geo-filter appears to be doing... it really does work.  How does the router/software kick people who try to join the server I'm on if they're outside the radius I set and/or not within the ping limit I set?  Can't wrap my brain around that one, yet.  It's probably just magical like fire!

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Yeah, that's it, its magical like fire and dragons. The geo filter connects YOU to local hosts and sorts out your local network to give YOU the best possible connection to a local server that it can. Players from outside can still join the lobby you are in but you have the best possible connection you can get.

I am in the UK and on AW without the geo filter I connected to hosts in Mexico with 800ms ping. You can imagine how that played. (just to clarify for the throttling believers, it played awful) When I switch on my geo filter I connect to hosts with less than what I say is allowed. Usually around 12 ms.

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I have recently bought a netduma of somebody because i kepton lagging i set it all up and i still continue to lag. if anybody know how to fix it or anyone could help me reply


Hey, welcome to the forum! As well as providing the information Bagsta asked for can you include the screenshots from here as well please http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=lag_support_instructions




Bullet if you need any help, I'll be responding to the thread you made.

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