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Player outside filter range host connecting


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Well here is another one.


The attached pic shows the yellow triangle (circled in white) with exclamation point outside filter.


That player I have in my deny list at 5%.


Been playing all night same settings nothing changed.


Does geo filter work only when I am hosting a lobby or can someone else host the lobby?


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It only works when you host. If someone outside connects they're most likely not host but connecting to the same host. I wouldn't be afraid to open your filter a bit either. Even if you move your pin more east. You might have an easier time getting games. It looks like you pinned your pin on top of mine. I'm in Western NY. Funny.

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Jason are you playing Destiny or something else?


As only destiny filters all players to within geofilter (true peer to peer game). Any other we are aware of just now the game the router only filters host. The game could then put players from 10 different countries into that lobby if it decided to (likely wouldn't but an exaggeration to illustrate a point).

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thanks helping guys.


As Buds said games like cod we only filer the host, but that is the most important by far. 

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I don't know how my ping assist got set to 14. It should be at 50. It might explain why games have been tougher. Maybe I was drinking too much and hit the wrong button. :) Let me know specific screen shots you want.

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I'll try that.

cool thanks.


You have strict mode ticked in that screen shot.

Do you go back and forth tick and unticked?

Actually yes. I just ticked it about an hour ago. I've been trying both ways. Haven't had any trouble getting games today. I'm usually still at work so I dont try too many nooners. We'll see tonight. When I have a party and my friend from Nebraska joins I open up even more.
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Just got on xbox360 COD AW and it happened again.


The players with yellow triangle and ! were in the lobby I was in.


Here are the pics.


I know they were in the lobby because I asked who was from where and one said U.K. another said Mexico.


Not sure why this is happening.




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Pin yourself on that dedicated server then click the button with the down arrows and lines (above where it says strict mode). That will open you up to about 800 miles. You can then try to lower the ping to 20 or so. Those people are probably connecting to the same dedi as you

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Jason, the host filtering for CoD only works on the host. As a side effect it often has most players in their as well. But it strictly filters the host. The host is most important factor in an online game.

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Jason, the host filtering for CoD only works on the host. As a side effect it often has most players in their as well. But it strictly filters the host. The host is most important factor in an online game.


I thought you could "BLOCK" people outside geo filter so you would not be in the same lobby.


Like in the pic it shows some one in the U.K. and that person connected. Shouldn't that person in U.K. (Yellow triangle in pic above) be blocked?

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No that would block them becoming host which is the most important thing. So if someone lives locally and has a terrible connection you can deny them becoming host. 

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