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Moved geofilter


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I found a spot in the US where no dedicated servers are in my filter. Its only 500km though. Strict mode ticked, Pa set to 0 and i cannot find a game. Its peak time and im set near the east coast. It keeps booting me from lobbies. So moving my filter outside of dedicated servers isnt helping. Anywhere else in the US i move my filter and its the same. I am out of things to try so any help or suggestions would be nice. Kinda of hard to not play on a dedicated server thats laggy when i cant find games as soon as a dedicated server isn't in my geofilter.

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The reason you are not finding games is because the games matchmaking is putting the other players into dedicated server games (as they are available).


Just because you have blocked them doesn't mean the game will matchmake other players to you if that makes sense. It actually just goes to show how high the percentage of games that are on dedicated servers is now.


As for untiking strict mode, that will just allow you to connect to a dedicated server further away if the games chooses it for you (dedicated servers are the only ones allowed in from outside your geofilter when strict is off I believe).

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi lthoma,


You can't change how the game works. People asked for dedicated servers, so they were given them. It appears to be how the games functions so you can't change that.

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I understand that. But netduma or no netduma, im still getting thrown in the same lobbies. I played awhile with the r1 off and was being connected to the same servers with the same bs. It feels as if the lower ping is not making a difference when its on a dedicated server. P2P yes. What's the point of using the r1 if im getting put in the same servers anyway. Not trying to sound rude but kinda frustrated atm.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

The R1 has many features not the just the Geo-filter and works for many games so it has far more purposes. 


The purpose of the Geo-filter is to limit the distance of hosts you connect to, nothing more nothing less. That in turn lowers ping which is universally known as the primary metric for good game-play.


I understand you're frustrated but there is absolutely no way a foreign lobby is better than a local lobby. Unless the local lobby has some serious congestion issues its end which has nothing to do with us. 


I hope I don't come off rude I'm just stating facts.


If you are having lag issues however it could be elsewhere, can you post the info requested here please: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=lag_support_instructions


You may also want to look into non network lag: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=low_ping_lag_suggestions

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