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Ps4 moderate Nat

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I just installed the router last night and cannot get an open Nat using all the suggestions in the wiki. I had an open Nat with my router/modem combo from att uverse. I was using several ports and had them forwarded. That router/modem does not have a dmz option to use with the r1, but like I said, I was able to get an open Nat using specific ports for call of duty. I tried copying all those ports and opening them via the r1 but no luck. Like I said, I went thru all the steps in the wiki, such as upnp, turning off the geo filter, etc. also, when playing with friends do I need to host (I assume yes).

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Moderate. Unfortunately there isn't a bridge mode either. The equipment they give sucks and has very few customizable options because they don't want people messing with it. I don't think moderate is a big deal but I had it before and would like to get it open again.

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Sorry for all the questions but I am not overly familiar with the U-verse equipment. What is your current set up Devices >R1>U-verse >Wall? Or Devices>Uverse>R1>Wall?

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I just installed the router last night and cannot get an open Nat using all the suggestions in the wiki. I had an open Nat with my router/modem combo from att uverse. I was using several ports and had them forwarded. That router/modem does not have a dmz option to use with the r1, but like I said, I was able to get an open Nat using specific ports for call of duty. I tried copying all those ports and opening them via the r1 but no luck. Like I said, I went thru all the steps in the wiki, such as upnp, turning off the geo filter, etc. also, when playing with friends do I need to host (I assume yes).

Enable UPNP in the Netduma and check Enable UPNP forwarding. That should open all ports.

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I've done all that already. Doesn't work. I followed all the directions from the open Nat wiki post. Except where u can't do certain things, like enable dmz, because my ISP modem won't allow it. I have a feeling this is going to be difficult if not impossible to get an open Nat. What doesn't make sense is that like I mentioned above, if I use certain ports in the port forwarding tool for my isp router/modem then it will give me an open Nat. But I also have a Netgear router that will let me use dmz and stuff, and I tried that with the Netgear and it puts me back to moderate when I use it. I honestly haven't noticed a difference between moderate and open as far as gameplay without the r1, but it would be optimal to have it open I assume.

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