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Prioritising P2P?

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Hi all,


I know I'm going against the grain here but is there away of prioritising P2P traffic? I have just upgraded to fibre and I tested the DL speeds downloading a torrent and also viewing Sky Go, both of which were struggling incredibly.


Is there something I need to amend?






Edit: Sorry can this thread be moved to the General Support section

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I have moved this to the General Support section as requested.


We may need a little more information here brother.


Are you using Hyper Lane at all? For that matter, what version of software are you currently running?  Hyper Lane is to be used for gaming, not for download torrents, so that could have played some Minion Mockery with your plans.


When you say "prioritising P2P traffic" are you saying you want the torrent activity to take priority over your gaming/other activities going on in the house?  

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Hey, is your question that downloading from servers is too slow and you would rather it switch to P2P downloading like torrents?


If so no. Otherwise can you give us some more info? :)

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Sorry guys my question wasn't very clear.


The torrent was just a way of seeing my download speeds. All my devices in congestion control have the same bandwidth applied and share access on. When I started downloading the torrent the speed was extremely slow, amending the bandwidth so it was soley on the device downloading obviously improved the download speed. Is this because the bandwidth is shared or that P2P is just has a lower prioritising over other traffic?


Hope this makes sense!

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If devices are all equal and have share excess on then other devices that need the bandwidth will take it from those that don't. By prioritising a device highly it means it can take a much bigger chunk of bandwidth. 


You don't need to but if you've found that helps download faster then do it :)

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