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Slow connection to Netduma


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Currently, I am encountering a problem whereby I am having a slow access to the Netduma router webpage.
Certain times, the page loads exceptionally fast, then out of nowhere, access to the Host Filtering page is blistering slow.
I am running on wired.

Surprisingly, both access from Chrome and IE results in the same slow loading of the Host Filtering page. Which I am still unable to get access in.

I have tried rebooting, restarting my main modem, my PC and PS3; all still result in this problem occurring randomly.

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Currently, I am encountering a problem whereby I am having a slow access to the Netduma router webpage.

Certain times, the page loads exceptionally fast, then out of nowhere, access to the Host Filtering page is blistering slow.

I am running on wired.


Any kind of ad blocker? I had one that worked globally on any browser on my pc and I had the same issue with pages taking a minute or so to load.

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Any kind of ad blocker? I had one that worked globally on any browser on my pc and I had the same issue with pages taking a minute or so to load.

That seem to help for now. It still doesn't explain why the same thing is happening on IE as well at the same time though my IE is practically free from any adblockers.

And thank you for your assistance.  :)

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The problem is back I'm afraid and like I said before, it has nothing to do with adblocker.
Any other suggestions?
The problem seems to occur at random. I managed to get it working again by relaunching chrome.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Lol Maz


AsNCo when it happens can you try on another device and see if its slow. I highly doubt it, but its good to rule it out first.

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Lol Maz


AsNCo when it happens can you try on another device and see if its slow. I highly doubt it, but its good to rule it out first.

Tried it on my phone instead. Took 8 minutes to finally load the Host Filtering page. The other pages are fine though. Once it does, then the page will be quickly accessible on the other devices in around 1-2 minutes upon loading the Host Filtering page.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

It takes about 20s on my iPhone thats probably due to the distance and the more detailed map.


Can you try connecting on a wired device please.

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It takes about 20s on my iPhone thats probably due to the distance and the more detailed map.


Can you try connecting on a wired device please.

Exactly the point. It was never an issue before and not to mention, my connection to my PC is wired.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

If can be one of two things:

  1. Restart the router, does that fix it? If so it probably got in a rare werid state
  2. You have large interference

Tbh I still think its far more likely to be client side. Can you try something other than an iPhone. The reason I say that is this issue has occurred about 10x and everytime it was the anti-virus, adware software. Secondly phones are the worst device to test anything on. 

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If can be one of two things:

  1. Restart the router, does that fix it? If so it probably got in a rare werid state
  2. You have large interference

Tbh I still think its far more likely to be client side. Can you try something other than an iPhone. The reason I say that is this issue has occurred about 10x and everytime it was the anti-virus, adware software. Secondly phones are the worst device to test anything on. 

Alright. I have found out the cause of all this problem.

I did all the advices given. Resetting the router and even uninstalled my own Google Chrome on my WIRED PC.


Here is my setup.

1 - 2Gbps Internet to my Modem --> Asus AC68U

2 - Asus --> Wired PC with fixed address of

3 - Asus --> NetDuma Router with fixed address of


I tried a new method of turning on the WIFI and directly connecting my PC to it and it was able to load the Host Filtering page extremely fast on the original web link of while my wired access to the router via my Asus router by entering the address to was still trying to get the Host Filtering interface to load. Thus, I am now using Wireless to ensure a faster connectivity to the NetDuma router.


Here is my question now. How can I access the NetDuma faster via my Asus router?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Fantastic! Thanks for letting us know the solution. Have you got access control panel from the wan side ticked in settings > misc? 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Good news AnsCo,


Can you clarify that the setup is:


modem <-> r1 <-> asus<-> pc


So when the PC is wired through the asus is when it runs slow? But when connected directly to the wifi of the R1 it loads fast?

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Fantastic! Thanks for letting us know the solution. Have you got access control panel from the wan side ticked in settings > misc?



Haha. Yes, the WAN button is ticked under the miscellaneous settings.


Good news AnsCo,


Can you clarify that the setup is:


modem <-> r1 <-> asus<-> pc


So when the PC is wired through the asus is when it runs slow? But when connected directly to the wifi of the R1 it loads fast?

Modem --> Asus router Port 1 --> PC

Modem --> Asus router Port 2 --> NetDuma R1


This setup has been working fine for the entire time until now when I used user Anonymous's settings to play Black Ops 2 whereby I just changed the download and upload to 12 Mbps and 3 Mbps respectively.

And have the congestion settings set to 80% download and 11% upload.

Link to his post in that thread here: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/1323-advanced-warfare-is-broken/?p=19553


With the Black Ops 2 settings mentioned above, I encountered at some random instances whereby, sometimes, the Host Filtering Page will load but not the interface with it showing the ||||| loading bar on the page.

At times, the other pages like the Congestion Control's page will also load but not the interface as well with it just showing the ||||| loading bar also.

Pages without any interface like the miscellaneous settings will still load extremely fast as per normal.


So now, in order to not have this error, I will have to turn on NetDuma R1's WiFi and connect my PC to it.

I then tested by loading the page on both (static IP for NetDuma R1's router from my Asus router) and the normal


As per normal, both pages will load fine. But when it comes to the Host Filtering page, the page will load fast but on the's webpage, the interface will not load.


I have never touched the Asus router's settings nor was this thing an issue before only after I used those Black Ops 2 settings on my NetDuma R1.


Hope this is detailed enough for you to understand the situation. So how can I solve it with just using the wired address?


Note: DHCP server on Asus is - So no chance of a clash of IP addresses.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

ok sorry for the slow responses, and unfortunately they will be a bit slow this week as we're at a conference.


Ok I'm trying to full understand the situation. Have you got the R1 IP set to and the Asus as well? If so that is a very bad idea you should definately have one set to something different I suggest

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ok sorry for the slow responses, and unfortunately they will be a bit slow this week as we're at a conference.


Ok I'm trying to full understand the situation. Have you got the R1 IP set to and the Asus as well? If so that is a very bad idea you should definately have one set to something different I suggest


Let's make it simple. I study networking before and I'm Asian. So no way am I that dumb to not know the basics. LoL!

Asus Router static IP address -

Alienware 18 static IP address -

NetDuma R1 static IP address -

Asus Router's DHCP range only starts at


I suspect the NetDuma R1 router might be trying to assign an IP address to my Asus router so now, I tried turning off the DHCP server on my NetDuma and the page is loading extremely fast when accessing from again. Will try and test it out further.  :) 


No need for any RAMDISK for me. I have 2 SSD drives and an mSATA drive in my Alienware 18 laptop and coupled with my 2Gbps internet connection, I'd say I'm good to go. :)

But BRILLIANT solution for slower drives nonetheless RADDY1993.  :D

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Guest Netduma_Iain

If you have the following:


Wall <-> Asus <-> Netduma R1 <-> Other Devices


With the Asus on Then the Netduma R1 absolutely cannot have a LAN segement of, can you confirm its not for example is it 

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If you have the following:


Wall <-> Asus <-> Netduma R1 <-> Other Devices


With the Asus on Then the Netduma R1 absolutely cannot have a LAN segement of, can you confirm its not for example is it 

I'm a bit unclear. Do you mean the IP address to access the Netduma R1 from the Asus router cannot be anywhere within the range of  to

I tried to put the R1's IP address to instead in the Asus router but the problem persists.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

In "Settings > LAN" the section that says "Host Address" absolutely cannot be, I recommend setting it to Hope that helps :)

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In "Settings > LAN" the section that says "Host Address" absolutely cannot be, I recommend setting it to Hope that helps :)

It is already at on the NetDuma R1.

Just that in order to access it via the Asus router, I placed it as on the Asus side.


I did some research on my Asus router to ascertain a proper way to allow access to the second router.

In the end, I used the 'Enable static routes' settings on the Asus router and added this line of command to it:


Network/Host IP:



Interface: LAN


Finally, (and I hope this is the permanent solution) the web interface access of the NetDuma R1 via the Asus router was speedy as if I was directly connected to it.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Oh right I didn't understand that you wanted to access the router from the WAN side. The router is not designed to be accessed that way, we did add a feature to allow it in one of the updates but it has not been tested.


Hope it works for you :)

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