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  • Netduma Staff

Sorry Cross i got that wrong, it's a bigger version on the nuke symbol. it start's a small nuke and then get larger


That just means it is host if it is bigger. I have written this up in the Wiki btw to describe the issue and the fix. It might be good to go though it and see if anything has changed. You can find it here: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_am_i_connecting_to_hosts_outside_that_are_outside_of_my_geofilter


Let me know if it helps you :)

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  • Netduma Staff

Just did a reboot of the router and a ctrl+f5 to see if that would help, still connecting to these nuke symbols outside my geo filter range


The nuke symbols mean that you are connecting via Ping Assist. This is normal. You can change the ping assist slider do 0 to stop this if you would like to :)

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Sorry bit late to the thread. Sounds like you have a ping assist host.


A lot of people set PA to 0ms I think that is a mistake. Even though its shown in America its clearly in EU or UK becaues the ping is so low. By disabling ping assist you're just reducing the amount of hosts you can connect to. 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Its because your filter is too small probably. I recommend using the snap button at least twice. So:

  1. Set your home location to your home
  2. Set the distance to 111km the minimum 
  3. Then press the snap button(the one to the right of the magnifying glass and the home)

You'll see your distance automatically get set. Those are the recommend settings. Well actually recommend settings also includes having PA set to 50ms but you don't want that so leave it at 0ms. 

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yes Iain can't find a game, will there be a update so that we know the host for sure? im always connected to one in euro ID: a1ad3b064a40c2c7 but clearly you say it's bound to be a UK as the ping is lower then it would be in euro

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it was up to 60ms which is why was trying to reduce that if possible, my ping is around 15-25ms i have had one game just that was a local host and was superb but the rest of the time it's the EU one

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Guest Netduma_Iain

The update to move hosts around will probably be midweek but its automatic you won't notice it. 


Otherwise the largest circle is the host as Crossy said. I recommend you just set ping assist to 0ms and use the snap as mentioned above. Those will be the best hosts available to you. 

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My ping graphs also sometimes disappear, come back and disappear again all the way through a match. It doesnt keep changing to ping a different host, to explain it best i can you get what you would on youtube or something when its buffering.

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  • Netduma Staff

My ping graphs also sometimes disappear, come back and disappear again all the way through a match. It doesnt keep changing to ping a different host, to explain it best i can you get what you would on youtube or something when its buffering.


Might be because it is thinking about pinging another server (because it doesn't think the one you are connected to is host anymore). Then it thinks, wait, actually, this is host and starts pinging it again. Iain might be able to shed more light :)

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Marc please start new threads mate, its a bit confusing for us when we have separate issues in the same thread.


Its probably just the autoping feature Marc, if you don't like it you can switch it off and ping it manually :D

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Oh sorry my mistake Marc, I read a a lot of threads lol ... Ya that's just the auto ping feature it's trying to replicate what human would do but sometimes it will get confused just disable it if so

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