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Allow and Deny Backup

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dunno if suggested before


id like to have a backup feature for my Allow and Deny section

it doesnt need to be a full backup, id be fine with an ID insert panel where i can eg insert my friends ID (15bc29f459b4bec3) and he automatically appears on my Geo-Filter so i can give him 100% agian (or any other percentage)


that way i could setup a word file with all my friends in there, incase i have to factory reset my router or a new firmware resets the Allow and Deny list i can

easily put all my friends in it again


right now my Allow and Deny list has 27 entries from which most of those id like to keep

sure i can redo them when i play with those people again but that might take a full week until you played with each person again just to put them into Allow again :)

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cool :)


i hope the basic function of Allow and Deny stays, i really love blocking those 500ms people ;)

also whitelisting my US friends (im from Europe) is a great thing too, please keep that function ;)

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I agree with Odin.  I hope the basic principle of the feature remains, it's a great tool imho and be a real shame to lose it.


Would you guys consider colour coding the saved hosts to match the service, PSN/XBL?  Or have it so only saved hosts load to Deny/Allow according to what service is selected from the Geo page?  I couldn't hazard a guess at how many hosts I've rated in 4 months across two platforms, but it's a lot and I can't imagine how it'll look after a year or two.


One more suggestion as the juices are flowing :D I play at two locations due to work and would find it useful to be able to load a set of saved hosts from location A and do the same for when I'm at location B.  Because teh two connections are very different, one a decent fibre the other a lacklustre ADSL, several times I've noticed a good host on one doesn't necessarily mean it's a good host on the other. I doubt others will move their routers once setup, but perhaps a feature for future consideration.


Hope some of that made sense as I'm still suffering, (yes 2 days later), from a severe case of Rugby + Alcohol overdose  :( So all pity/sympathy welcome at this juncture as my Welsh good lady has very little of either for her English captive   :rolleyes:

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Great suggestions mate we will maybe in 2 versions from now introduce profiles and backups.


The England game was amazing nail biter to the end

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Good to hear Iain.  I'm sure you and the team will nail it.  


The Rugby was awesome!  England, France being the last game, things were getting a little fuzzy by then lol..


Roll on the World Cup!  and the Deny/allow update, obviously  :D

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