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Destiny Upgrade

Guest Netduma Fraser

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  • Netduma Staff

I think you do a fine job of explaining.  If I'm understanding correctly, the GeoFilter wasn't really working as good as it could for Destiny before this upgrade - but it should do a better job now that the ports Destiny uses have been added to the capture pool.   Thank you, Crossy.


Sounds like you've understood it!! I'm glad I could help. Anymore questions then shoot! :)

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Hey Caddy, glad to see you're considering purchasing! Crossy has done a fantastic job at providing you all the information. As Lead Tester, I can confirm that Destiny runs a lot better on this newest upgrade! Theres also a cool new feature that we added with P2P games in mind like Destiny that will give you more data to diagnose whether the game was bad or not :)

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Thanks for the reply, Fraser!  I agree, Crossy does a wonderful job of helping out.  If you're not hiring him, then at the very least, you could send him a care package with a t-shirt and some chocolates.  :)


If I purchase the router today, the one I receive would already be equipped with this upgrade?  Or, would I need to update the router once I receive it?  And if so, is the link to update the router available?  Looks like sncjez can't find it.  I'm not sure how these things work.


If I take the plunge, are there certain settings that you can share that work well with Destiny?  


Any comments from Destiny players?    


Thanks to all for the information.

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  • Netduma Staff

Ummmm, chocolates.....:D


The router would come updated to the update just below the destiny one I believe - the destiny one is still in a beta (you can still use it though) so it isn't arriving on the new routers. The upgrade is really easy to do though. I think that at the moment there is an issue with a  broken link on the upgrade page but that will probably be fixed by the time you receive your router. The newest upgrade is here. If I were you though I would keep an eye out on the forums or just check that there isn't a newer one when your router arrives (if you get one) because at the top of that thread Iain has said "wait a weak or so" implying that there will be an update in a "week or so". Its not an issue upgrading twice but its probably easier to just do it once so just have a look in the announcement  category and see if there is anything new in there :)


Again, I'm not a destiny player - only used the GeoFilter once or twice when I had it. I'm surprised no one has popped up with some info I thought lots of others would play it :)

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Again just to add to the information Crossy has provided you:


I'm not sure as to your location so cannot give specifics, however, from a UK perspective I have the radius either around the UK or just going into Europe, so maybe about 1000km, with strict mode on, PA set around 50ms and it works great :)

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Crossy that link is showing page not found also no biggie i'm patient.


Caddy i'll post a pic up of my geo set up after i next get on but you'll be surprised how big i have it.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Caddy & Jerry I'll get our server sorted tomorrow. Also run the cloud update to fully optimise Destiny.


Caddy thanks for purchasing. After we've done the cloud update it will take upto 4 hours before your router updates itself. I'll make a post about it and I'll mention the version you need for Destiny as well. 

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