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I've been lifting for the last couple of years now, and my progress is amazing.

I'm slightly over 16% fat (see img. for reference) and my summer goal is the gent shown in 10%-12% window.

I think it's quite realistic for the 4-5 months to come.



I'm looking for a good, tested, fat loss program, but without losing my hard earned muscle mass.

Of course I'm aware that junk food, sugar, fat, high calorie stuff etc etc is a no-no.

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated  :)


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Guest Netduma Fraser

Congrats! I've recently been eating better and going to the gym and have seen great progress. I've been running, doing weights, eating a lot of chicken and rice, fruit, taking multivitamins and tried to drink more water. No routine or tried and trusted method. Just the standard stuff really :) Keep it up! :D

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Best food choices Fraser. Keep it up. Recently I discovered a new product. Egg whites in fresh-pack for pure protein omelettes. No fat at all. Is there such a product in UK Fraser? I think it's called "egg whites" or something (yolk free). 

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Cheers man, the hard grind is worth it for sure! Oh cool! I've never come across it so far but its something ill look into definitely :)

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less carbs! (no brad, no pasta!) more protein and healthy fats like omega 3 nuts etc. check how much kcal you need for the day and then make 300kcal less...check google or YT for example https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsiNPbLbwZk43FOCRrdKBlA


edit: you cant loose fat without loosing some muscle.. you need to train heavy if you dont want to loose as much muscles

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Putting this here for anyone just wanting to lose weight.


I gained a bit of a belly over the last two years from being "more restricted in activity"

due to having a little boy who is burgeoning on the edge of being 2 years old and a little girl who is now 20 weeks.


My muscle mass never seems to go up or down whether i train or cut calories, but i recently cut a stone and a half off in one month, basically doing x3 5k runs a week coupled with drinking 1.5l of water on non active days and 3l on active days (ie gym / running) coupled with only eating 1900kcal a day and then fasting 3 times a week on the 5:2 / 4:3 diet. which has life long health benefits beyond just losing weight.


It probably could work for a gym goer if you fast on rest days? Since you can eat 600kcal of protein on those days?


You basically do a BMI calculator online to workout your TDEE, you do not go over your TDEE (Total daily energy expenditure) on normal days. (usually around 2400 for men wanting to maintain weight). And then what ever your personal TDEE is you quarter it! Typically 600kcal for fasting days.


Google "Horizon: Eat, Fast, and live long" an hour long documentary on the idea that fasting is actually extremely beneficial both to your organs and mind. (fasting actually stimulates neuron growth.) see: Neuronal Autophagy.


Anyway good luck, this does work.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

There are some absolte tanks in the forum Fuzzy, JStirck and I'm sure many more. So they can comment more than I can. But I tried to get a six pack one summer, I tried loads of stuff with swimming, weights, running, sports, etc.


I can tell you from an exercise point of view everything is a waste of time other than running. Running will get that fat down faster than anything you do. Actually I did hill sprints, they are horrfiic they make you feel like you want to pass out. But that was the best thing for sure.


So you sprint up a hill, jog down and repeat 5 times. But when you sprint you really have to give it your all. By the 5th one you want to die though.... 


Just to clarify I'm talking about losing fat not bulding muscle. Usually you don't want to lose muscle while you lost fat, in which case you'll want more advanced programmes.


Blaire Doyle one of the users here is a phenomenal personal trainer. I'll link him to the thread on the twitter! 

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I've been lifting for the last couple of years now, and my progress is amazing.

I'm slightly over 16% fat (see img. for reference) and my summer goal is the gent shown in 10%-12% window.

I think it's quite realistic for the 4-5 months to come.



I'm looking for a good, tested, fat loss program, but without losing my hard earned muscle mass.

Of course I'm aware that junk food, sugar, fat, high calorie stuff etc etc is a no-no.

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated :)

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Hey Sgt Greco


What I would recommend for long term success is to continue to build your engine. Just like a car if your engine is bigger you'll burn more gas. I would recommend a full body program doing 3 times a week eg: Monday, Wednesday and Friday and interval training on Tuesday Thursday. This way you get the rest you need to put on those precious pounds of muscle. The rep range I would choose would be somewhere between 8-12 reps. Another thing worth mentioning is protein and sleep. Make sure your getting enough of both. If your training intense enough you should be eating a gram and a half protein per pound of body weight. If your not getting enough your strength won't improve which will affect muscle gain. I would follow that program for 6-8 weeks and then do a type of burn phase where you would still do full body but have the rep scheme between 12-15 reps with light weight and less rest between sets ( 30 seconds ). You could also throw in some dumbbell complexes as well. If done properly you'll be in the fetal position when your done. The last thing i would like to mention is if your going to eat carbs earn them. Have some pre and post workout and that's it. The rest of the day protein and just natural carbs like greens. If you have anymore questions hit me up



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@ Sgt-Greco... First off let me say this will be a long read that being said if your trying to really lean out IMO and experience with all the people i've worked with from a training and nutritional stand point your best bet for hanging onto the muscle you have while leaning out is a ultra low carb (keto) based diet.The biggest mistake people make when dieting is thinking they need to eliminate all fat from your diet along with cutting calories to an amount a bird couldn't survive on,this is a huge mistake.My problem with conventional diets is that people lose way to much muscle,the essential goal of any weight loss plan (diet) should always be the preservation of muscle.There is a huge difference between losing weight and losing body fat.An example would be someone looses 20 pounds on a standard low fat,low carb,moderate protein diet the scale says 20 pounds lost but out of that 20 pounds half of it comes from lean tissue i.e. muscle mass.I believe your goal should be to lose body fat not just body weight.


And that's why i roll with a ultra low carb (keto) diet as it's muscle sparing due to the high fat content.When you cut calories and fat to low your body thinks it's starving so it holds on to every ounce of fat it has.Not only that but your body will create extra fat cells and fill those with any fat or carbs you ingest to use as a reserve in case you starve it again.This is because your body breaks down the carbs into free glucose by the digestive process.The free glucose causes the release of insulin and insulin activates GLUT4.


The bottom line is your body can't burn body fat in an insulin spiked state it's metabolically impossible.That's why i'm not a fan of the low fat,moderate carb,moderate to high protein diet.The minute you ingest carbs your insulin spikes and your fat burning stops.I'm not telling you this is what i think happens,this is a simple biological fact.


The things you want to watch for your goals are controlling systemic inflamation and insulin control.There are a hundred different types of diets and you'll get a hundred different people saying their "diet" is the best.The diet that is the best is the one that you will stick to.Everyone i put on this diet ask the same thing "will it work for me" and my reply is always the same "if you follow it"


I believe in sticking to whole foods as opposed to protein shakes,with the exception being post workout.Or possibly some casein protein before bed as it's slow digesting for sustained release during your fast over night.


A good multi vitamin is a must during dieting to reach that 10 % bf your after,i use animal pacs from universial.

Make sure your taking a good fish oil supplement as it will help with the fat loss and insulin sensitivity.


Like i said it's a long read and i could go on for days about the benefits of the ultra low carb diet and IMO it sounds ideal for your goals.


BTW i'm a power lifter and have not lost strength on this diet.Not to name drop but i'm gonna lol a friend of mine who happens to hold the world record in the bench press,Ryan Kennelly used this diet for than meet.I have worked with Mark Bell and Jesse Burdick and it's the same plan they use and we are all elite lifter.So don't worry about a strength loss in the gym.


Good luck in your quest and if you have any questions,feel free to ask 

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WOW doylebl and fuzzy. Thank you so much. Two very helpful posts, one for workout and one for diet. I will keep them both as a reference. Thanks.


Doylebl HIIT is the King. No doubt about it. Killer workouts though.  I should definitely stick to your suggestions.


Fuzzy low carb sounds like Atkins. I was on this diet long time ago and I always had this sour taste in my mouth. I cannot skip potatos, whole grain pasta or brown rise  before workout. Can I? What is your opinion about creatine? (Blair I'm asking you to) I had a foul circle a couple of months ago and I couldn't believe my lifting performance.  Do you think I should take another round?

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@ Sgt-Greco there is a huge difference between Atkins and my recommendation.I'm against Atkins as it starts off correct,ultra low carb diet for 2 weeks,after which you slowly switch to the standard low carb diet by adding fruits,vegetables and loads of sugar alcohols.Had Dr Atkins diet required maintaining the ultralow carb portion for the next 6 months,people would have enjoyed ongoing and significant fat loss.It.s labeled as low carb but really isn't.As carbs increase in the diet,so does your bodyweight.And by the 6 month mark you've stopped losing body fat and start gaining.The simple act of eating carbs,even as little as 50 grams a day,prematurely stops fat loss and can accelerate body fat gain.Simple solution...take in 30 grams or less of carbs per day.I should have written a book    :)


My suggestion was ultra low carb diet (under 30 grams per day) and a re feed every 7-10 days.And IMO yes you can skip potatoes,whole grain pasta and brown rice.There are no "essential carbs" but there are essential proteins and fats.Again this is just my opinion but carbs are not necessary for muscle building purposes.You will function better on key tones as opposed to glucose anyway


.Let me break carbs down for you and this might help you understand my stance on the and why.Technically,carbs include everything from wood to grass to apples to bread.Depending on how you link carbs together,but it all starts simply,with what are called "monosaccharides".Mono of course means "single" sacchar means "sugar".So monosaccharides literally means "one sugar".The two monosaccharides,or sugars we need to follow closely are glucose (the main sugar used for energy in our bodies) and fructose (a relative of glucose).


Next we got "disaccharides" which means "two sugars".I'm sure your familiar with sucrose (table sugar) - that is a disaccharide of glucose and fructose.


And finally we got "polysaccharides" which means "many sugars".So lets take a little jaunt thru your digestive tract and follow two types of polysaccharides - indigestible carbs,which we refer to as fiber (both soluble and insoluble),and digestible polysaccharides we know as starch.Rice,potatoes,corn and flour are all examples of polysaccharides / starch.Now does it make sense that "many sugars" might be good for you


.So my point here is this is an opportunity to see "complex carbs" for what they are,lots of sugar.No matter what type of carbs you/we ingest,it all goes into the system as either glucose or fructose...aka sugar.


And that tinny taste in your mouth was because you were in a state called ketosis,you were expelling excess keytones thru your mouth.The excess is also expelled thru your urine,smells funny also.


As far as the creatine goes the reason it works is because of cell volumeizing,think of your muscles as a garden hose and someone turns the hose on it swells.It allows you weight gain from water (cell volumeizing) and with the accompanied weight gain,your lifts go up.And yes creatine is a great supplement,i would stick with any brand made with creapure as it's the best.But don't waste your money on the" high glycemic transport" stuff.Everyone of those (muscle tech,ON,muscle pharm) is exactly the same thing 83 % dextrose,17 % creatine (which is 5 grams).You can make the same thing your self for 1/10 of the price by buying pure dextrose powder and creatine and mixing it togather,and save your self 50 bucks.


Again another long post but hopefully it will help you out.And i'm more than happy to assist you in any way i can to help you hit your goal.

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I believe that you need to earn your carbs as I stated previously. You don't need to to completely give them up no but choose wisely and the right time. As for Creatine I persinal don't use it but I believe for some people there are hug benefits. But some will have greater benifits then others. If you got results before I belive its worth trying again. Nick Tumminello is a trainer from the USA that I have a lot of respect for and he has made some positive statements about Creatine in his book strength training for fat loss. You should check it out btw. That's my two cents worth. Let me know what you think

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WOW guys this is getting serious. I never expected such a help in a gaming-related forum. I really appreciate.


Fuzzy you should definitely write a book. So you are saying  Dr. Atkins †  is starting OK with his Induction phase but he gets softer afterwards? How can you possibly live w/o salads or vegetables? You will end up sh@ting rocks buddy... My gym instructor said I need pre-workout energy from good carbs, energy drings, even caffeine . How can i possibly deadlift 100 kgs without fuel?  Is he wrong? 


Doylebl. Never heard of Tumminelo. My mentor was Tom Venuto who is obsessed with caloric deficit.  I'm not. I don't think it works for me. On the other hand creatine did wonders. 


(please forgive my English. Not my native language)

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I have to say I agree with fuzzy about carbs. I try to keep it simple with my clients and put it to them like this. Man kind survived for a long time without rice, potato and pasta lol because why ? We don't need it. You wouldn't be here today if we did. There was a time when the technology to cook and produce these things didn't excist and guess what nether did type two diabetes. What I will say is if you have a strong desire to keep these foods in your life try to keep them around your workouts to do the least damage. Take care

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@ doylebl very well put.I think it's great you steer your clients in that direction,not enough PT's take that approach.And what you said about type two diabetes not being around before the agriculture age is so on point.


@ Sgt-Greco i never suggested you had to live without salads or veggies,i eat baby spinach and broccoli.And guess they are loaded with fiber,so i've yet to shit out rocks.I also advise people to take a fiber supplement on this diet,between the veggies and the fiber supplement i get about 40 plus grams a day.Which is plenty.


And IMO yes your gym teacher is wrong.Carbs are not necessary pre workout,lots of people take caffeine before they train.And lot's of people take a pre workout drink with caffeine or effedra,it's just not a must.You should have plenty of glucose stores in your body from the meals you've been eating all day.If any thing start sipping a fast acting hydroslate protein (30 grams or so) half way thru your workout.


Like i said i follow this diet myself and have pulled 775 pounds (351 KG) at an APF meet and totaled over 2500,so the answer is yes you can still train heavy.


The only reason i brought up the ultra low carb diet was because you were concerned with losing muscle mass while you cut.If you were trying to bulk my advice would have been different.


But choose the diet that best suits your purpose at the time,weather that be cutting,bulking,strength accumulation etc.What i learned in my experience is to try everything and keep what works for you and throw the rest out.Knowledge is constantly evolving and were finding out new way to tweak diets and exercise all the time.So find something that fits your goals and go for it.


Again if i can be of any help,just ask.

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Again if i can be of any help,just ask.


Ok. Here is the next one.


On almost every treadmili or cardio machine, there is a chart printed, suggesting that fat burning requires less than max bpm training, thus less effort. How true is this?



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Well to be honest,i would not pay much attention to the charts.The purpose of cardio (aside from making your heart stronger and healthier) is to burn calories.So i'm a huge fan of hiit also.If your looking to burn body fat and avoid the low intensity cardio 1 to 2 hour a day sessions people do,and they really do.


What i do is after my re feed the following morning first thing is i will smash some hiit.I get warmed up on the treadmill about 5-10 minutes and then the torture begins.I do an all out sprint as fast as i can run for 30 seconds,then jog for 4 minutes,then back to any all out sprint for 30 seconds.And i complete 6-8 cycles of this and i promise you,you'll be cursing my name.And the fat burning effect will go on for hours after your done and you didn't spend 2 hours doing some boring ass low intensity cardio.So you can get on with your day


IMO always forgo charts that make a blanket statement about how your age,weight,height etc dictate how you should train.People are all at different levels of fitness.Again find the things that fit with your goals and go with it.

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Well to be honest,i would not pay much attention to the charts.The purpose of cardio (aside from making your heart stronger and healthier) is to burn calories.So i'm a huge fan of hiit also.If your looking to burn body fat and avoid the low intensity cardio 1 to 2 hour a day sessions people do,and they really do.


What i do is after my re feed the following morning first thing is i will smash some hiit.I get warmed up on the treadmill about 5-10 minutes and then the torture begins.I do an all out sprint as fast as i can run for 30 seconds,then jog for 4 minutes,then back to any all out sprint for 30 seconds.And i complete 6-8 cycles of this and i promise you,you'll be cursing my name.And the fat burning effect will go on for hours after your done and you didn't spend 2 hours doing some boring ass low intensity cardio.So you can get on with your day


IMO always forgo charts that make a blanket statement about how your age,weight,height etc dictate how you should train.People are all at different levels of fitness.Again find the things that fit with your goals and go with it.

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I couldn't agree more with fuzzy on your question about charts. People are not made from cookie cutters. And people who try to convince you that we are are over simplying to try to make a dollar. the same thing goes for exercise. For example the squat. Everyones squats will differ due to different femur lengths and how the fermural head sits in the acetabulum. It will change when your pelvis goes into a posterior tilt resulting in different squats depts that are correct for each person. So not everyone will go ass to the grass so to speak. You should always go for full range of motion but know your body. Sorry for going a little off topic lol but I wish society stopped trying to fit everyone into a tidy little package

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