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what ping is good?


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what would you consider a good ping in cod aw and at what ping you start to know the difference?

I connect to 1 dedi most of the time,ping was 35 and thats the lowest for me, most of the time is 60-80.

so what ping you guys usually get and is 60-80 still good?

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what would you consider a good ping in cod aw and at what ping you start to know the difference?

I connect to 1 dedi most of the time,ping was 35 and thats the lowest for me, most of the time is 60-80.

so what ping you guys usually get and is 60-80 still good?

If you think when you dont have the Duma you prob play on 150ms + maybe even 250ms and you dont even no, any thing under 50ms i would say is brill, ffor me i get 8-10 all the time now and it rocks :).

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It all depends,i get a solid 20-25 ping to a dedi 90 miles from my house and it plays horrible.I hook up with a dedi 400 miles from my house with ping 40-60 and it plays great.


So it's kind of a crap shoot depending on who else is connected to the host or dedi and what there connection is like.But i've had great games on 60-80 ping just depends on the other variables.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

cheng you should do a Internet Diagnosis test and look at the details in paticular the average ping check. That should be approximately the best possible ping you can get and more likely it will be that +20ms. 

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lain, can you help me out here?

When i check my internet diagnosis, does the ping means the game iv been connected to or thats my internet connection itself?

i never get lower than 50ms, is it because of my internet?

I do have very slow connection 5up 1 down and i set congestion all to100% to ps4 tick off share access plus nobody use internet when im gaming.

I was told that online game use about 2mb of bandwidth, so whats wrong with mine?

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  • Netduma Staff

lain, can you help me out here?

When i check my internet diagnosis, does the ping means the game iv been connected to or thats my internet connection itself?

i never get lower than 50ms, is it because of my internet?

I do have very slow connection 5up 1 down and i set congestion all to100% to ps4 tick off share access plus nobody use internet when im gaming.

I was told that online game use about 2mb of bandwidth, so whats wrong with mine?


The ping that is shows is the ping to (Google DNS Server) and is a very good representation of your "last mile" (the past of the connection from your router to the exchange). If your not getting lower that 50ms, then there isn't really much you can do. It is probably because of your connection and the only way to really decrease your ping would be to upgrade your internet to a faster package is it is available.


Online gaming probably uses a lot less that 2MB/s. The ping is just the time it take for one packet to reach a server and for you to receive a response, there isn't anything "wrong" with your, it just isn't particular fast :)

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When you do internet diagnosis that is your actual internet connection, make sure that your caps for up and down are set to 100% when you do the test and you are hardwired.

you would be better setting your congestion control to 70-80% to help stop bottlenecks in the system.

Could you post a pic of your geo filter set up and people may be able to advise you further from there, cheers

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Cheers guys. Bagsta I believe he is more concerned with ping in this question, cheng crossy is correct the Internet Diangosis check gives you a good representation of your Internets connections best possible ping.


The ping in host filtering is the acutal game ping which will almost always be greater than the Internet Diagnosis one.

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