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Feature Suggestion "Netduma User Cloud"

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So using my Netduma has lead me to believe that the Netduma alone is a great tool for gaming. Playing Halo with a Fireteam had taught me that IF my whole firearm had a Netduma, it would be even better. Now trying to convince my non-network litterate friends to buy a $200USD router will be impossible for the most part. I can come on the forum and try to connect with others but thats cumbersome at best. What if you could see other Netduma users on the Geo-Filter (If they choose to be seen). Make a dot for each user in another cloud data base. Then if I click on a user's dot in my area it could list whatever gamer tags they wish to share. Then I could add them as friends and queue for games with other Netduma users. If you manage to get full teams of Netduma users together it opens more possibilities to control matchmaking and have smoother games in general.

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We've actually had this thought before (or it was suggested and we liked it). We definitely like the idea of this, it would definitely be an opt in option not opt out. Can't say when or if it will be implemented but like all good ideas that are high in demand we will try our best to implement it :)

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