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Wifi issues with Printers, Scanners and Laptops

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I've been having issues with various devices connected on my wifi network. I searched the forum for the best solutions and tips I could (and some did help), but am still having a few issues. All the devices listed below show up in my device manager so they ARE a part of the network.


Epson printer/scanner (printer portion of device):

   When trying to print, no devices would recognize the printer unless I pressed a random button on the printer to "wake it up." After reading the forum and seeing people with similar problems, I unchecked "Enable wifi work-around" from the Misc. Settings. This did help as now that scanner is recognized as being connected to the wifi 90% of the time. There's still 10% of the time I either have to wake the printer up, or go into my print que manager and pause/unpause the printer—which also seems to help it get recognized. Though sometimes I have to pause/unpause 5 or 6 times. Any other settings I can adjust so I don't have to jump through so many hoops to print something?


Epson printer/scanner (scanner portion of device):

   To use the scanner portion of the Epson device with my MacBook I have to use Image Capture or VueSca (can't go through the Epson software). Image Capture has a much lower success rate recognizing the scanner—maybe 20% of the time. Before I unchecked the "Enable wifi-work-around" this was at like 1% even if I woke up the printer, so it's been very frustrating. If Image Capture doesn't recognize the scanner, I have to turn the wifi off and on on my Macbook until it works. Obviously a huge pain in the ass.



   When I turn wifi on in my Macbook, it doesn't automatically connect to the Netduma router, even though it's the only wifi signal within range (we live way outside of town). I'll often have to keep clicking "on" over and over because the router just don't want to show up in the list, even though it's obviously there. I keep trying to set it as the default/primary network, but it doesn't want to work. Probably wouldn't be that big of a deal if I didn't have to keep reseting the wifi on my laptop to get the scanner to work.


HP Printer:

   The only way to get this printer recognized by any devices on the network (iPads, iPhones, Macbooks etc) is to print out a test page/diagnostics report and then immediately after, print what you want. Even if you "wake" printer up it doesn't work. 


Hoping you guys can help me get all these devices sorted out. 

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I had some printer glitches when I first set up my R1.  I found if I set the printer as a fixed IP printing would be hit and miss so instead I set up the printer as DHCP and reserved the address I wanted in the R1.  No issues since then


For me it was a canon printer/scanner so ymmv but might be worth a try.

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Welcome to the forum! 


Hopefully Akic's suggestion above will get you sorted, otherwise make sure you have all the necessary updates/drivers/software for the printers as this resolved it for someone else as well.


Is the wifi showing in preferred networks? Either way I would forget the network so it doesn't have the password and then add it manually if possible. 

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