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a little help

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Lets say you have your pa set to 50ms. And your geo set to say 1000km, any host or server outside of your geo. With a 50ms or below ping you will be connected to. If you dont want this to happen just set the pa to 0%. But it will make it harder to find games in a low populated area.

also make sure strict mode is turned on. Hopefully this helps you out.

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  • Netduma Staff

Im located on the east coast and for some reason keep connecting to a host form the other side of The usa


What version are you on? It will say at the bottom of the R1 home page.


If you are on .7, it could be because you don't have "Strict Mode" enabled, or as Clinton said, you could be getting connected to it via ping assist. Could you post a screen shot of your GeoFilter while connected to the host?

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