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congestion settings

Dioni Rod.

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Only have my laptop and Xbox one connected to my R1. My son is on his laptop using R1 Wi-Fi on YouTube watching videos. QoS on my Xbox one is at 75 my upload and download is Verizon fios 75/75. When I go to set my congestion settings I'm constantly adjusting it from 70 one game and then 60 and 2 games later 65 or even sometimes 50...any advice would be appreciated

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Click the "set bandwidth" and put your true download and upload speed in (use a good and reliable speed test site), not the "up to" speed that the provider says.

70% down and up in congestion control and set to reactive.


I reset distribution and update distribution. giving all the same slice of pie and share excess.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Should I test speed wired to home router or r1?  Im getting a difference between the two.


Hey Caldera, you'd do a wired speed test to the R1. If you're not on the .7 upgrade you can follow the instructions here - http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=manual_update you can then follow this thread to get the max speed http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_is_my_speed_lower  :)

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