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Could this explain the increase in connection to Dedicated servers?


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From SHG

"If the dedicated servers are getting slammed, then the game can shift players over to playing via the listen-server method. Alternatively, if you live in a region that is incredibly far from one of the dedicated-server centers, you are likely better off with the alternative."


Maybe player numbers have dropped to a point that now the dedicated servers can host pretty much all of the time?

Just a thought.

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That's very likely, i definitely agree on the lower player count.  You can tell how Call of Duty is doing just by going to your local Gamestop.  The price and trade in value of the game is based on how many they sell and how many trade in copies are in circulation.  In the past the Call of Duty games were still almost at full price, even close to a year later because everyone loved them and played them.   Ghost was the first CoD that got cheap quickly as it was traded in often and not very popular.  I've seen the same thing with AW.  Saw it in my local gamestop yesterday with a $40 price tag, and it's even on sale at Amazon for 40 currently.  A CoD game should not be dropping in price this early in it's life if it had a good player base.  I could even see the difference in my friends list when i still had the xbox one and even on the ps4.  Rarely do i have anyone online playing it.  On the flipside Bops2 is still around 26 dollars or so, because it remains very popular.  I think we're probably stuck with the dedi's for the life of this game now.


As for DLC increasing p2p servers.. i don't think it will help.  We'll probably have a slight increase, but not necessarily.  If as many people aren't playing the game, will they drop the cash to get maps for a game they don't like anyways? I hope i'm wrong and it changes and gives us more control over where we play; i guess i just find myself doubtful after seeing how few people are playing.  It would be nice if they had the population numbers for us, but as i mentioned - the game price is very telling.

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