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Geo-Filter question

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If you enable “Strict Mode” then the Geo-Filter will filter to the maximum. This means you will only get games set within your Geo-Filter radius, but you may also experience lobby booting. If you find that you are getting lobby booted, then you can use the snap button to increase your Geo-Filter size and stop the frequency of the lobby booting.


If Strict Mode is disabled then you will be able to connect to dedicated servers which are outside of the range of your GeoFilter. You will only be able to connect to dedicated servers which are outside of the range of your GeoFilter. Player to Player hosts (P2P) will still be blocked as normal. Having strict mode disabled can help decrease the time it takes to find a game.

Now if you enable ping assist with a value if there is a host with a ping matching the ping assist value or better it will let you connect to them as well even though they are outside if your radius.

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