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Help With Setup Fios

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So, been going back and forthe for the last couple of days with the setup and i don't think i've done it right but i'm having issues and im completely lost. Basically I have verizon fios with the quantum gateway g-1100 combo modem/router. I have the wifi turned off on that and i have only the netduma plugged into there. Right now the only thing plugged into the netduma is the ps4 and my laptop. I went through the setup and under device manager i get this screen


I went into the fios modem and put the router into the dmz like so but i'm still getting the error message.


Next problem i have is the host filtering which is the main reason for buying it, but im still getting connections from europe and beyond. Here's a recent example of the last game i tried to play. 



As you can see from the traceroute it bouncing from kansas or oklahomeback to the hose on the east coast then to europe and then back/

I guess what I am asking is what can i do to fix thisto get this thing working right. Right not my ps4 has a static ip address I went into the netduma and manually opened the ports for the ps4 and black ops 3 so upnp is disabled. I've disabled the wifi right now so the only thing on my network as i said before are my ps4 and laptop.Thanks.

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The View Other Router Interface message will always show when the R1 is not the primary router. It's just a message. 

As long as you put the R1 WAN IP in the Fios router and your NAT is Open, you're good to go.


The Netduma only allows you to choose your Server. It will not stop others from joining that same server. 


The Traceroute feature is not reliable. Do not worry about it. 

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okay how do you choose a server. As far as i can tell it's connecting me to the same server every time. 

If you don't want to connect to a certain server move your geo filter so that it is not over it. 

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Your Geo Filter is set to a fairly small range.  Widen it if you would like to sample additional servers.  And as was stated above, that triangle in Europe was another player in your game, not the server.  You can't control who else connects to the server.  The server is the biggest visible circle on the map, which in your case was an east coast server relatively close to you.  Feel free to turn on peer pings by checking that option in the geo filter.  That way if you notice anyone pinging very high to the game, which will likely cause spikes and other issues, you can just leave.


So what exactly is the problem?  Was that game not a good experience? What was your ping to that server?

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Hey lucky..I also have fios 150up/down...also have g1100...u don't have to dmz...it automatically puts connection to netduma In bridge mode. All u have to do is make sure upnp is ticked and reboot. Make sure your geofilter is disabled before you start your console. Any ? Hit me up;)

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okay how do you choose a server. As far as i can tell it's connecting me to the same server every time. 

If your gaming is to going well on a certain server (dedi) then just move your home location away from that dedi and find another server.


You can tell if it's a dedi as you won't have an update button on your host filtering page or there will be the letter e after the version on BO3 in the upper right hand corner of your tv / monitor.

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