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Some advice please

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I've got the homehub5 from bt. Do I turn the wireless off? And just use the duma? If so how? Because when I go to disable it, it warns me saying I'll not be able to connect other devices and stuff.. Any suggestions? Is there a modem mode or something?

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Yes turn it off that's no problem, its actually a blessing in disguise as you are not sharing bandwidth anymore with openzone or Fon what ever they call it nowadays.


It makes you opt out so you do not share but you also can not use others bandwidth as you walk past their premises anymore.



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Thanks man.. I was just wondering.. The fact that I'm getting 12ms ping games on ops3, usually we would assume that's brilliant, but with this game being heavily compensated does that now put me at a disadvantage? Or is it still good?

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Haha.. I thought that must be the case.. Just with all the lag compensation videos, everytime I feel I should have won a certain fight and lost, my brain automatically says "lag compensation" haha.. The hit detection is sweet as **** in a 12ms lobby..

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