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R1 and AirPort in bridge mode

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Hi All,

I would like to try and use my Apple Airport Extreme with my Netduma. 


This is what I''m thinking but not sure what settings to use for the Netduma and the Airport to get it into bridge mode.


Wall...||....SB6141 modem...||...Netduma...||...Apple Airport


Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. 



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I have an AirPort Extreme and you can put it in bridge mode with the Airport utility. Then connect an ethernet cable from a lan port of the R1 to the wan port of the Extreme.

Make sure you turn wifi off on the R1 because of interference reasons. The Extreme will handle all your wifi devices.

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Possible fixes.

1.Don't use internet explorer. Sometime items don't show up if you are using it. Only use Chrome of Firefox.


2.Make sure the show hosts box is checked under host filtering page


3. You can try rebooting console and rebooting the R1 from settings>miscellaneous and see if that helps.

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I myself have the extreme but took it out as the wifi connection on the duma was equally as good for my house and i have Apple everything. Reason i took it out was because i had my extreme in modem mode then my duma plugged direct in my extreme, basically i only used the duma for gaming but was never able to know how much power other wifi devices was using on the extreme so it was pointless.


If i set up my duma as primary router/modem then extreme connected to duma can i assign how much power the extreme can use for the wifi devices connected to it?


Not tried it cause i factory reset my extreme with the intension of selling it, just thought id pick your brains to see if its worth it.

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