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Help with geo filter

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Hi, I have been using my netduma for about 2 weeks now, I am using the latest .5m version of the firmware, and I am having an issue with the geo filter that I either didn't notice at first or it has appeared over the last few days.


Basically I am from Australia I play Blops3 on the Xbone and have my settings on strict with 1000km range and 30ms ping assist and while in games there are no more then 4 or 5 'hosts' being identified on the map (even tho lobby is full 12 people) and they are all displayed the same, however in every game there is a larger 'host' being identified somewhere right in the middle of the US,


As far as I'm aware this means that the netduma is telling me the host is in the US, and all the small circles are players in the lobby all located in Australia. But the host cannot be American as it's impossible to have 11ms pings between here and there so why is the two filter telling me this is the host of every game, and why isn't it telling me who is the actual host is in Australia.


This info is needed as when I play with my 'crew' who all live within my geo filter range 1 of them is constantly getting host when they do the games are terrible. 2 out of 3 of them have what I would consider horrible net, both getting adsl2 with less then 1mb/.3 and the other has quality Telstra 100mb cable but has issues coz there router can't handle UPNP with multiple consoles that are in use at there place.


So being able to determine the actual host would allow me to try and stop them being selected as host while still be able to play together. I must say tho that since the very first game I played after installing the netduma has changed how much I enjoy playing cod, since mw2 it seamed like there were fewer and fewer games where I would be able to have any chance of wining most gun fights as 9 out of every 10 games it seamed like I was half a second behind everyone else and would empty clips into the back of a enemy to have him turn around and drop me without any damage indicator, and now with the netduma I'm forgetting what a struggle it was having to play disadvantaged like that.


Also would like the devs to make a video or wiki article explaining basically what enabling any of the options in the misc settings tab especially the options like stealth mode, turbo mode, super turbo mode, wifi work around, multicast snopping, ect and for what reasons would someone want to enable any of these.


Also I am experiencing the occasional error which I make some setting change then change tabs to do something else and when returning to the first page whatever setting change I made has reverted to the original setting. And FYI on Windows 10 using Microsoft edge browser none of the settings changes stick at all, so I am using chrome as my browser when these errors occur. And is there going to be an mobile optimized version in the future so I can use a Browser on my iPad instead of having a laptop on my lap while trying to play

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey, welcome to the forum :)


The reason it is showing in the USA is because it is mis-located. You can post the ID of the host in this thread to get it moved.


The reason you are probably not seeing the full lobby on the GeoFilter is because some of them will be outside of the GeoFilter (so will initially show as a triangle then won't show again).


There is a Wiki article for the Miscellaneous settings section and in future upgrades their will be tours (similar to the tour you get when you first get the router) and these will help explain some of the settings.


Internet Explorer isn't supported. And there is an IOS app in development. Try ticking cookies in Settings >> Miscellaneous to make sure all settings save.

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Hi, thanks for your quick response, I do have cookies enabled, which is why I think it is some possible bug.


Sure, I will report the details of that sever to that thread, so that could possibly be me connecting to the same server at 50% of the time? Makes sense coz games on it are frequently horrible around peak Internet time every evening.


I will go through the wiki again as I must have missed the info on the misc settings, but I've been through it several times and so far found no information on what any of those tick boxes are supposed to do.


And thanks for the info on a future app, but wouldn't mobile optimized version accessible from a browser (the same way this website works from a mobile device) which allows for better use of a touch screen rather then a mouse to use and navigate the routers settings be a better solution so as it's accessible no matter what brand device u use, saving the hassle of developing apps for multiple operating systems, and not having to be forced into complying with an manufacturers App Store policies and requirements?

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  • Netduma Staff

The misc settings are here. It doesn't have all the settings - hopefully Fraser/Iain can fill in the gaps when they get a chance as I don't know enough about some of the settings to right a description about them :)


Netduma aren't developing it, abc (a mod) has said he'll do it then port it for android at a later stage. Fraser/Iain would have to comment on making a mobile optimised version and see if that is possible or not :)

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