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Why do I 3 bar with VPN enabled?

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Basically this is the problem I got.. Yesterday I went to play some GBs with my team and I started to get booted for 20mins intervals on and off again. Now i woke up today and decided to get myself a VPN, which i did from Hide My Ass but for some odd reason my netduma vpn setting wasnt working so I retested it to factory made and it worked but unfortunately I lost all the previous settings I have. Now for some odd reason I never 3 bared in COD with public matches on my own or with foreign UK friends but now since I have my VPN on im always 3 barring. I set the server very close to my actually location but still doesn't work. I then disabled the VPN and went back to a 4 bar.


Can someone help me give the correct settings for my netduma since I lost them all (Congestion Control, Ping Assist, and the miscellaneous settings) and also what should I do to 4 bar whilst using my VPN to be protected.


Thanks a lot!!!

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  • Netduma Staff



When using a VPN, the latency to the server will increase. You should use a gaming VPN to keep the latency as low as possible although the ping will still be higher than usual. HMA isn't really too good for gaming.

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Depends on the VPN as crossy has suggested
Try PIA (Private Internet Access)
They have quite fantastic speeds, coupled with amazing locations.

Lastly , don't forget the hybrid feature , any host you don't need the run the VPN on should be whitelisted.

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Astentrix I didn't understand your last point "any host you don't need the run the VPN on should be whitelisted.".


But i bought the subscription now for hide my ass. So there is no way to solve this issue where i constantly have 140 ping on call of duty when the vpn is enabled. Not even if i fix internal settings in my netduma?



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Astentrix I didn't understand your last point "any host you don't need the run the VPN on should be whitelisted.".


But i bought the subscription now for hide my ass. So there is no way to solve this issue where i constantly have 140 ping on call of duty when the vpn is enabled. Not even if i fix internal settings in my netduma?



You can Whitelist / Add to exceptions here



Do you need the VPN on COD?

Are you a streamer of some sort?


Unless you're worried that people will sniff your IP on COD (Unlikely) and potentially DDoS you , you should whitelist COD from the VPN.

You can add hosts to exceptions, so you're not running the VPN on selected hosts.


Personally I'm not sure what you would need to add to be able to whitelist COD from the VPN, perhaps an admin could assist?

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If you are just using the VPN on the console you don't need to use the exceptions. 


Applying a VPN will always increase latency as it increases the amount of hops required to reach the destination. HMA is not good VPN. I would suggest cancelling that asap. Switching to another VPN may allow a for a lower latency when playing but again using a VPN will always increase your ping. There won't be anything you can change on the duma to prevent that. 


For your settings though follow this.

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