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All these symbols

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Doted circles outside your geo filter range are hosts that ping assist found for you that are below 45 ms as that is what you set your ping assists to and the smaller doted circles are those you were tring to connect to it just a pure example that ping assist works here is article about ping assisthttp://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=gf_ping_assist

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thanks Lukasz 


Papa you posted another thread, please only post one thread per question in future. This is my response from the other theread:


Hi Papa ,


How you doing?  This article should help explain all the symbols, if you need further help let me know please: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=geo-filter_symbols


Also if you see a circle with a dotted outline, it was found using ping-assist. Meaning that its ping was below what you set in the ping assist bar.


The symbols could have been admin mode, I think Fraser may have given you admin mode temporarily when we checking your issues. Anyway let me know  :)

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Guest Netduma_Iain



Just to add a bit more to your post. You see the things that look like nuclear symbols, those are small circles with dotted outlines. Meaning they are ping-assisted hosts(like mentioned above). If you do not like ping-assist just set it to 0ms and that will stop happening :)

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Just watching a YouTube video from simjc74 who has uploaded some decent vids on the DUMA . The video I will refer to is the "Netduma R1 ping assist " he demonstrates his GEO in action and he makes the following comments

1 white circles "match making servers "

2. yellow circles dedicated servers

3 red circles lobbies


This is demonstrated with XBONE


I have never seen white or yellow circles on my GEO so now wonder if I am set up 100% correctly . I use a lap top with windows 8 and ipad google chrome

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