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Host Ping not working anymore...

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Hey all!

So, my host ping did work before, but for the past month(ish) I have not been able to use the Host Ping atall... Can't even update any of the Percents for the allow/deny.. I ended up just shutting it off for awhile because I was getting annyoying with the error message about it not making a successful ping. (really would like to get this to work again because im losing out on a BIG part to this router if I cant grant or block shittyyyy hosts) and lets be real... there are alot of shitty host out there in the BO3 world...

Thanks for the helps mates!

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Can you try this link and see if it helps.


Negative there ghost rider... I tried all of those options and still kept getting the unable to ping error. :( 


Maybe I should try and use one of my other computers? I've learned that MacBooks tend to be a pain with everything, so maybe thats the issue? anyone else got any ideas.?


Thanks for the help!

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Are you on the latest version of the firmware? 


Yeah try a different device to see if it works although my mac works fine with pinging


Hey Fraser!


Yes, I did upgrade to the latest firmware, and tried using two other devices and still kept getting the unable to ping host message.. No clue what it could be. My peer to peer ping and eveything else works, can still ping/update old saved hosts but its a no go for any new connections. The weirdest thing i have ever seen lol.


Let me know if anyone else has some ideas! and thank you all in advance.


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