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Getting kicked off Blops 3

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Getting kicked to the dashboard is a fault with Bops3, I used to get it a lot even before my duma purchase :)

That is so true.IMO it's because the servers are overloaded and I get some games that throw you back to the lobby.Here's a tip for you if your in a game and you start the rubber banding and can't go anywhere but backwards and you check the leader board and everyone's a 1 red bar,quit the game as it's gonna boot you back to the lobby which means your gonna have to back out to the multiplayer menu and waste your time.


If it's gonna fix itself it usually does so in 10 seconds or less,an longer than that...bail

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I monitor my BO3 connection on PS4 when I play. The busier in the day the higher I see spikes, up to 80ms!! when I see this I know it's gonna be hard to play the game, once I see them die down to like 10-15 the game is more playable. It's just another time of the year when everyone wants to play COD, but the game is NEVER prepped for all the players it sold the game too..

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I have the digital version and I get kicked at least once every other day. However, I have friends that have the disk and they have never experienced this. We have even been playing together and I will get kicked mid match all the while they continue on playing. Possibly a digital copy issue??

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