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2 devices affecting each other?

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hi guys

Got my duma going good (love it) but ive a localhost in my device manager and it seams to be a copy of my xbox one for some reason.

This is not allowing me to use congestion control because if i give to my xbox one, it takes from this localhost which is the xbox as well!?


I dont know how to fix this, can anyone help?


Im rocking a BT HomeHub5 and have sorted the DMZ as instructed (found great page step by step how to sort it for the duma) and ive deleted port forwarding that was set up on the homehub.


All seams fine except for this phantom localhost device?


Thanks in advance

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  • Netduma Staff

Can you check a couple of things. 1) Is the HH5 plugged into port 1 of the Netduma? Are they on different networks (the Netduma is on Is the HH5 on something other than that? (I think by default it is).

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Reboot the Netduma from misc settings then go to the device the edit and click on delete on the offending device.


Then make sure the left over console is set in the service.

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