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need help from support getting hundreds of unnamed devices

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My router is progressively adding unnamed devices that a dormant with no ip address  I have had this previously and  factory reset etc and had support in the chat look at this and they could not work out what is going on. When I delete individually they are popping back at the bottom. I need support to remote in and have a look. I have attached a screen shot


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  • Netduma Staff

I helped Manny in chat ages ago with this. It is literally hundreds of devices that show up (no exaggeration).


They all have very similar MAC Addresses. Pages which need to load the list of devices took absolutly ages to load (at least they did when I checked).


This is just some extra info for anyone reading :)


Maybe it is a computer virus?

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  • Administrators

HI mate,


never seen that before, it does sound like either comptuer virus or some weird MAC cloning software/device. If you're not aware of the latter I suggest you reset the router by going to "Settings > Misc" and doing reset. But each time you do it complete turn off one more device on your network till you figure out which one is causing it. Then from there we can try help. 

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the problem is that this is intermittent so i could turn off the devices but it does not mean i wont get the issue later on. i had the issue a few months ago and it cleared itself up then all of a sudden its kicked off again. i cant even delete these devices off of the device manager even though they are dormant and do not have an ip assigned looking into the device it is always ,ac address 00:1C:**:**:46:66 the ** are different on each 

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