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Speeds going to PS4

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I just had Frontier FIOS installed at my house. I have symmetrical speeds going to my PC. 122 d, 124 u. I do a net test on my PS4 and I get 24 d and 6 u. Everything is hardwired into the back of the R1. Are their settings that I should switch around on the PS4 to get higher speeds or is that a PSN issue?? I've followed all the directions for setting up the router for 120+ speeds and everything is set correctly. I have CAT6 running to the PS4 as well. I can hook up my lap top to it and get 120+ speeds. Everything goes to crap when I hook it up to the PS4. Any suggestions??

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey, welcome to the forum :)


The PS4 test is inaccurate. It sounds like the test servers are capping out. So there is almost certainly the full amount available but this just isn't shown in the test. Even if this was all you were getting, it is still more than enough for gaming :)

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I've got120d with 25u and have never gotten my ps4 to read those numbers. The best I ever get with the psn test is 35d and 5u regardless of settings and tweaks. Others get different readings, some higher some lower. Why this is, well I don't have the answer and it seems no one else does either.

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  • Netduma Staff

It's not just the gaming end. I want to make sure my streaming won't be effected as well.


The PS4 test is really inaccurate and it is most likely that your bandwidth speeds are faster that the servers (so their testing server is limiting the results)  :) This would be why it would appear slower on the test, but actually the applications on the PS4 using the bandwidth should have access to it all.

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Yup the PS3/PS4 was/is really inaccurate,my speeds are modest/slow 65 d /5 u and I've never got above 30/3 on the test.So as Crossy said I would just ignore it

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