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Sky DHCP range & Netduma

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Hi all, so i'm trying to set a static I.P on my console for port forwarding etc but nothing is working! So on connection status of PS4, it reads as the I.P address 192.168.88.*** this is the netduma correct me if wrong, because my Sky router I.P is 192.168.0.***. To set a static I.P i need 3 numbers that are outside of the DHCP range, but on my sky router it's 2-254 and I believe you can't set an I.P outside of this range as it's the 254 is the max, i've tried to change this range but it does something but still says 2-254. Does anyone else have issues with Sky and can provide some help how they fixed it? Hopefully this makes sense!

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  • Netduma Staff

If you want to set a static IP on your console then it is connected to the Netduma, right? So it doesn't matter what the DHCP on the Sky router is because it is connected to the Netduma.


Unless you've changed it, the DHCP range on the Netduma is between 100 and 250. So you can set it between 2 and 99. E.g.


I hope I understood you correctly :)

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