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ww2 god mode setting

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ok yo se que muchos diran lo contrario y comentaran lo negativo. pero si ago esto es solo para aquellas personas que no an encontrado su setup para ww2,. so por favor aquellos que siempren comentan negativo no positivo si no funciona para ti deja que los otro traten.ok este chico  kinel iso un post aserca de esto. todo el mundo dijo que no funcionaba pero yo no ami si me alludo solo que yo ise solo un paso y fue q puse algunos numeros en hyper traffic., bueno muchos no todos y ahorfa lo que pasa es que no me conecto a servidores de cod si no lo que estan serca de mi solo a 10 ms y 15 lo mas en la foto lo explico,. nuncan en 2 ano que llevo con netduma me abia sentido como un godmode ahora stoy matando mucho y mi kd esta mejor,. el truco esta en no jugar en dedicater server




ok I know many will say the opposite and comment the negative. but if this is only for those people who have not found their setup for ww2 ,. so please those who always comment negative not positive if it does not work for you let the other treat.ok this boy kinel is a post about this. Everyone said it did not work but I'm not sure if I only know that I'm only one step away and I put some numbers in hyper traffic. Well many, not all, and what happens is that I do not connect to encrypted servers. if not what is left of me only 10 ms and 15 more in the photo I explain it. nuncan in 2 years that I take with netduma I felt like a godmode now stoy killing a lot and my kd is better ,. the trick is not to play on dedicate server
ok I know many will say the opposite and comment the negative. but if this is only for those people who have not found their setup for ww2 ,. so please those who always comment negative not positive if it does not work for you let the other treat.ok this boy kinel is a post about this. Everyone said it did not work but I'm not sure if I only know that I'm only one step away and I put some numbers in hyper traffic. Well many, not all, and what happens is that I do not connect to encrypted servers. if not what is left of me only 10 ms and 15 more in the photo I explain it. nuncan in 2 years that I take with netduma I felt like a godmode now stoy killing a lot and my kd is better ,. the trick is not to play on dedicate server
ok I know many will say the opposite and comment the negative. but if this is only for those people who have not found their setup for ww2 ,. so please those who always comment negative not positive if it does not work for you let the other treat.ok this boy kinel is a post about this. Everyone said it did not work but I'm not sure if I only know that I'm only one step away and I put some numbers in hyper traffic. Well many, not all, and what happens is that I do not connect to encrypted servers. if not what is left of me only 10 ms and 15 more in the photo I explain it. nuncan in 2 years that I take with netduma I felt like a godmode now stoy killing a lot and my kd is better ,. the trick is not to play on dedicate server
ok I know many will say the opposite and comment the negative. but if this is only for those people who have not found their setup for ww2 ,. so please those who always comment negative not positive if it does not work for you let the other treat.ok this boy kinel is a post about this. Everyone said it did not work but I'm not sure if I only know that I'm only one step away and I put some numbers in hyper traffic. Well many, not all, and what happens is that I do not connect to encrypted servers. if not what is left of me only 10 ms and 15 more in the photo I explain it. nuncan in 2 years that I take with netduma I felt like a godmode now stoy killing a lot and my kd is better ,. the trick is not to play on dedicate server




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ok I know many will say the opposite and comment the negative. but if this is only for those people who have not found their setup for ww2 ,. so please those who always comment negative not positive if it does not work for you let the other treat.ok this boy kinel is a post about this. Everyone said it did not work but I'm not sure if I only know that I'm only one step away and I put some numbers in hyper traffic. Well many, not all, and what happens is that I do not connect to encrypted servers. if not what is left of me only 10 ms and 15 more in the photo I explain it. nuncan in 2 years that I take with netduma I felt like a godmode now stoy killing a lot and my kd is better ,. the trick is not to play on dedicate server

ok i know many will said opposite and comment the negative but this is only for those people who have not found their set up for ww2. so please those who allways cooment negativenegative not possitive if is not work for you let the other try treat. ok this boy kinel make a post about this., eveyone saidit did not work,. for me work amazing those number just pot up when you playing those one you pu it on your hapyr lane you be god,.i hev never ever played in 10 ms lobby i know is becuse the game is new and need some update but guys staty alway from dedicate server ther is so many people playing ww2 that you can find a host near your house like i did

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Jefe de lo mio aya. Digame los setting que usted tiene :) estoy en ps4 vivo en Florida. Nose mucho sobre el netduma.

descarga 10% subida 85% gio lo mas chikito oque pueda strick on micellun las tres primera y turbo mode ticked ping ass 29 y un monton de port en hapyer lane la cual debes buscarlo en network monitor 

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