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About to setup R1 with Asus AC1900

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So, I just got my R1 today and would like to keep using my Asus AC1900 as the wireless router. I plan on disabling the wifi on the R1 and use it strictly for my PS4. My plan is to go Modem->R1->Asus.  I can see on the Asus settings page where I can change the operation mode from Wireless Router to Access Point.  Is that all I would need to do is change that setting from Wireless Router to Access Point and connect a cable from a LAN port on the R1 to a LAN port on the Asus?  I have always used my routers in Wireless Router mode so I am not familiar with Access Point mode.  I am just trying to have a good understanding of what all needs to be done before I actually start messing with my existing network.  I appreciate any help that is offered.

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey Testa Killz, welcome to the forum :)


Yes, that's correct - just enable access point mode, disable the wifi on the Duma and you should be good to go!


AP mode will just mean that the router will be an access point which means the devices are still viewable on the R1 (which meant congestion control etc will still work).

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  • Netduma Staff

I just read something about setting up routers as access points and it mentioned disabling the DHCP and assigning an IP.  Is that something I will need to do?


You should be ok without doing that as the devices that connect through the AP should get given an IP by the Netduma, not the AP :)

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