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Getting frustrated.


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I don't like to seem unreasonable, but this is ridiculous. I keep having party chat issues on ps4 due to nat issues. But I have open nat on my ps4 always have. I've never once had nat issues until I got this router. I've allowed everyone I play with under deny and allow. Another thing I really don't understand is the DSL reports. I'll leave my congestion settings exactly the same and my bufferbloat will be an A, next time I run the test a few hours later it says its a C. Usually what prompts me to run the test is when the game feels like utter crap. Which brings me to my last issue, no matter what settings I've tried, I can never get consistent games more than one day. Every single day its a crap shoot. I'm not one or two barring, but I can tell I'm behind the action. I just want some consistency! Lol whether it be with my connection or my party chat. Right now my radius is at like 680 miles with ping assist at 0ms. It was at the smallest radius and ping assist at 40ms. My point is I'm always having to change my settings and I wish I didn't have to.

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  On 12/12/2015 at 1:25 AM, djhixson88 said:

Southwest Ohio. I have one of the Zoom modems. Can't remember the model.


When you start the PS4 make sure your geofilter is disabled... It should say






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  On 12/12/2015 at 1:38 AM, djhixson88 said:

All right. Just curious how come? And I assume I reanable it once I'm able to party chat?


The general rule for me is to enable it right before I search for a game... I assume you're a cod player

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