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PS4 Speeds after 1.03.05M Upgrade

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I posted most of this in the upgrade topic but did not get a response.



I upgraded the router firmware and installed the new BO3 update.  I followed the instructions including changing from Playstation PA to Playstation.   I have Time Warner Cable with 50Mb download and 5Mb upload. Modem to Netduma to PS4 hard wired.  I live in San Diego, California (southernmost part of California), On Friday & Saturday, the games were extremely laggy even with a great ping.  I tried with geo filter off and on and it did not make a difference.  I kept getting huge pikes while in the game especially when engaging and enemy.  It is even way worse when I party up and get games on the east coast.




bandwidth set to 50 and 5 with preemptive


Reset distribution


CC at 70/70


ipv6 disabled


deep packets off


Auto cloud and bleeding edge enabled, apply settings


Nobody else was home and using the internet




Here is an example of what I see on a consistent basis.  This was during a round and normal game play - not at startup, the end, half time, etc.  This is actually one of the better games.


https://dl.dropboxus...20/BO3 ping.png




I was never able to get a consistent game.  Even with low pings, I would transport while walking.  It would take 2-3 times to actually throw a grenade. People appeared out of nowhere.  The games would constantly spike with the norm being between 300 to 500 mS - often up to 1 full second.  This was during the normal game play.  I expect those kinds of spikes at the start, half time, end and in the lobby.




After having enough, I then decided to get on the laptop to do some work.  I noticed that it was very slow.  I did a speed test (speedtest.net) and noticed that my speeds were only ranging from 25-35 down and 2.5-4 up.   I did the test several times.  Of course the CC was set at 100/100.  I then decided to try reactive.  I did this test several times as well.  With reactive, I was able to get 50/5 almost every time.  



After this I did some more testing.  I re-confirmed that the reactive settings provided better speed test results.  I then ran "Test Internet Connection" on the PS4 and PS3.  Each system is hard wired (separate cables) to different ports of the R1.   No matter what setting they are consistently giving me download speeds ranging from 1.5Mbps to 15 Mbps with uploads ranging from 100kpbs (yes kilo bits per second) to 1Mbps.  Typically, they range from 2-5Mbps down and 0.1Mbps to 0.5Mbps.  I reset my modem, R1 and both consoles before starting the testing.   I duplicated these tests on preemptive and reactive. During the tests, I had CC at 100% with share excess enabled with distribution reset before testing.  BTW - with distribution reset the PS4 and PS3 priority are at 7%. I also tested with PS4 priority at 100% with share excess enabled and disabled. I also tried MTU set at 1500 on R1 and PS4.   I also re-setup the internet connections on the PS4.  I also performed a factor reset as the last option, which only seemed to make it worse.  Nothing would improve the tests.  Internet Diagnostics show exceptional for all categories with no loss.  Average ping around 15mS.




I also played BO3 with reactive and was still getting ping spikes (300-500mS) which were coinciding with lags seen on the screen. 




On previous tests before the upgrade I got 25 to 35 Mbps downloads with 2-5 Mbps uploads.  Yes, I know that the PS4/PS3 speed tests are not accurate and can be lower than actually getting, but I have never seen (or expect) them this low.  



I then hooked the PS4 directly into the modem and was able to get the normal 20-35 Mbps download and 2-4 Mbps upload speed tests. 



After this, I factor reset the R1.  Turned R1 off, reset modem and then turned on the R1 after modem was fully up.  I got slightly higher speed tests but still very low compared to just the modem. 



Assuming that the uploads may be limited, I changed the upload CC to 90 with download at 70.  BO3 did play better on Sunday after doing this, but I don’t know if it was the resets, changes to CC or changes to BO3. 




Any idea on why I would be getting much lower speeds with PS4 through R1?


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Hey, what worked for me was that in the Congestion Control Screen, after I hit "Reset Distribution" I immeditaly clicked "Apply Distribution" and re-tested my speeeds.

Before what I did wrong was that after I hit "Reset Distribution" I would also drag my PS4 to have 90% distribution then click "Apply Distribution".

So just skip the part where you make the PS4 have 90% and then test your speeds.

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Hey, what worked for me was that in the Congestion Control Screen, after I hit "Reset Distribution" I immeditaly clicked "Apply Distribution" and re-tested my speeeds.

Before what I did wrong was that after I hit "Reset Distribution" I would also drag my PS4 to have 90% distribution then click "Apply Distribution".

So just skip the part where you make the PS4 have 90% and then test your speeds.


I tried it both ways reset and also reset then apply (update?) distribution.  I am getting normal speeds with my laptop using reactive.  The PS4 still has much lower speeds with the R1 versus straight into the modem even with 100% CC.  I even tried 99% CC but it did not help the PS4.  

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I think that I have finally solved my issue.  After doing a lot more testing, I noticed that my downloads were not consistent and stuttering.  This was very noticeable when streaming videos.  I also noticed on the speed tests that the download and upload graphs were not steady.  I replaced all the ethernet cables with new CAT 6 cables and replaced my SBG6850 cable modem with a SB6141.   My speeds were now more consistent and back to normal.  I also played BO3 and noticed a significant difference in performance.  I got some ping spikes but not as significant as before.  It was definitely playable again.  I was now going back on the leaderboards.  For the about the 10 games that I played, I was averaging around a 5 k/d.  


I have one final question.  I pay for 50Mbps down and 5Mbps up, but I noticed that I can get up to 62 down and 6 up.   I set my bandwidth to the actual values that I was getting.  Should it be set to the bandwidth that I actually get or pay?

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